Black Swan, The Fighter, forbidden territory black swan, Nathalie Portman, is precious: The music of Swan Lake resonates here as well (and I go twice a month, the first of gods and men) with Cathartes character. A dancer has to go beyond itself in order to make the two swans: the good, white, pure feelings, and bad, black, capable of seducing and snatch the prince beyond reason. This requires breaking with everything that nothing is more important than their role, be able even to steal and kill for it. Succeeds but dies: One of the shrapnel that had killed his adversary (think, has a number of experiences of becoming poor, sex and all that later turn out to be dreams), are stuck in it and bleeds whispering was perfect, beyond perfect creation of life, able to get by overburden one's life.
The Fighter is wonderful, from the depths of America: A family with a son who has succeeded but is hooked on drugs and has spent time in jail, awaiting the redemption of the hand of another brother, the small, promising and that boxeará trained by former champion. Everything will work out and everything happens during the recording of a documentary about the triumph and fall of it. The new boxer has to sacrifice for all, is how is defeated because there are too many interests, too many people waiting to collect and fighting has to accept risk: at the last minute change of opponent, but you have to swallow if not, does not charge anyone. He has a girlfriend with a shady past but gorgeous and that focuses on him, the fight will be out of that "Your fucking crazy family" to join him indissoluble. The major also has a son out of jail for the umpteenth time and wants to train a child as if nothing had happened, they oppose the bride, the coach and the principal Arab taxi driver (gangster for the family) who risks for him. He leaves out his brother, admits he owes his love of boxing and technique. There are gestures beautiful loser drug addict instead of demonizing the bride will be explained to her, gives the face instead of taking refuge in bitterness. They accept it as a coach, all are reconciled and with great difficulty and suffering, gain without excluding his brother, nor the mother and all women of the family that haunt the house (the mother has been married several times) hoping to live Boxer . The title is why: Because we all expect of him the solution, why can not think of himself or itself, but in the end proves you do not have to surrender to his girlfriend and to the demands of coaches, or at nothing He requires incorporating his brother is coaching or not. Here's another battle won, as hard as the ring. And win them both. Forbidden Territory
is very good, but bent: They intersect several stories on illegal immigration, some of us succeed and others do not. Next to that, the police, and one (the husband of Calista Flohart: Harrison Ford, who came to me the name) means a lot in his work, is how just seized the illegal son of a hard worker in a workshop textis underground, takes him back to Mexico, home of the grandparents, but horror, she, who had been deported, has taken back the trip by his son! and dies at the border crossing at the hands of the bastard who helped to pass: The empty wallet (he had received from her with money for the child with a neighbor and that he had given to the parents) is that makes it recognizable. In the meantime he has called several times asking for her parents, who did not appear. Other stories of an Australian to be prostitutes in the hands of an officer and he just loves her and stopped because she had come tb a forger who is murdered and whose power ap tb and she exchanged documents the officer for voluntary departure; the forger is murdered because he throws the rebellious daughter of an Iranian family and honor the brothers killed by her fellow cops old cop ... Everything is fine tangled and is clear on the fly ... The Pakistani girl is put on the skin of the S11 and deported with her mother is putting epligro idem to the whole family the black child who ends up being adopted by the corrupt official's wife, lawyer, which no longer whistled matrim ... She has well what he wants. And get rid of what you do not. Finally saw
fatal Universal Trap: Do not tell me much these movies, nor Julia's eyes, the same label. I see pure artifice, I do not contribute anything. Yes
interested me Blood Simple instead of Golem, made as a tall tale of infamy pure, with a comic narrative, with minimal elements and absent of Psychology, a medieval fable where everything is tangled because everyone thinks evil and all die unless Sleeping Beauty. He deserved it after her husband's greedy and cowardly boyfriend. There was no horns, as in Cervantes, the old and jealous husband. Only in the imagination of those who covet treasures both old man and the woman's fortune.
Honey (Semih Turkish trilogy Kaplanoglu: Milk and Egg) is all full of mystery, although it seems simple, linear leaves many loose ends that have to bind you want or leave them alone, never mind. Very reminiscent of that of Runamía Hostorias Golden age (Mungiu) that is still in theaters and has the same naive linear happened to his moral, his wit and his crooks. The first to be seen is Honey: The boy, educated at the Nat, then focused on Poetry (milk), but a bookseller in Istanbul (Egg), return the people to return to the simple life and contact with its people.
The small red circle and the lieutenant have been two jewels of the French Institute, with Alain Delon and Nathalie Baye respectively. I had a pipe.