Friday, April 29, 2011

Getting Insurance On Rental Snowmobile


Grace and peace to you all in the precious and glorious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

NOTE: To all you who for the first time receiving this newsletter, is sent to you in the hope that they are also interested in the spiritual state of the Church, and who are interested in it, not only for their personal spiritual awakening and revival, but also for the people of God. It would be my privilege to continue to send, but if you prefer you did not, please letting me know and I will remove your name from my mailing list.


Dear brothers and friends, this is the second edition of Revival and Spiritual Awakening in 2011. Send the papers every quarter, at least, this is my intention. I pray that the messages they are blessed by God for our Revival and Spiritual Awakening. I think that is much needed for today. I hope we bring conviction to us all for the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.

In the past, if someone fortress known to be interested in my papers, please Leave them know or send me e-mail address from them.

Until next time, peace and the joy of our great God rule in your hearts by His Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus. Amen.

By His Sovereign Grace, I am your servant ....


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Lasaro Flor is ~ ~ PO Box 298 Boling, TX. 77420





~~~~~ VOLUME VI1 QUARTER 2011 2 - APRIL to JUNE EDITION # 2 ~~~~~

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"Oh yeah rend the heavens and come down, and your presence will flow down the mountains, as the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name known to your enemies, and the nations tremble at your presence "(Isaiah 64:1, 2)

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NOTE: Although I will use articles from various authors, this does not mean that I agree totally with what you have written. But after reading them, I think some benefit can be derived from them with regard to Revival and Spiritual Awakening.

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A fourfold purpose of this paper: Sale to revive, renew, restore, and Reform. Perhaps for some it means the same thing, however, I think there are four aspects of life that has experienced God's sovereign grace to be manifested when believers experience these four things in it. is my hope that "the God of all grace " (1 Peter 5:10) will be pleased to use items, not only for His glory scary, but also to " enliven their work in the midst of time " (Habakkuk 3:2), and as a result of us willing to suffer all "for the sake of the elect, they also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory" (2 Timothy 2:10).

So pray with me that God will be pleased to command the clouds to rain again (cp. Isaiah 5:6), so that "waters are dug into the desert and streams in the desert. The tornado is dry pond, and the thirsty land springs of water" (Isaiah 35:6,7), the drop the "showers of blessing" when you "rain down in his time" (Ezekiel 34:26). Oh, how we need to pray like David: "My soul thirsts for thee, my flesh you want, in a dry and no water is; To see thy power and thy glory, so I have looked at the shrine" (Psalm 63:1,2)! We can be sure that when this happens, not only of our mortality we Revived by being without him, but also Renewed in our desire for it, restoring our fellowship with Him, and Reformed in our walk before Him Amen

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(Selected Scriptures)

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consider this issue with regard to what else comes Revival? As I said before that we find no reference to a revival and spiritual awakening powerful happening before the return of Jesus Christ for His Church. But if you find many references to the " apostasy", or "caimiento" (2 Thessalonians 2:3), or "that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils" (1 Timothy 4:1). Now, if this is the case and if this is true, then why whereof we have to pray for revival if we are not promised one in the last days before the glorious return of our Savior, Jesus Christ? In addition, there are some who believe we should not pray for revival. However, I think anyway, we should pray for revival and spiritual awakening, and much more, as we see the spiritual condition, and the decline of Christianity in "in this wicked and adulterous generation" (Mark 8:38). If we care about the spiritual state of the visible Church of Jesus Christ, then yes, we should be praying for revival and spiritual awakening. Amen.

In saying this, I did not imply that we should go contrary to the Word of God. As I said, I find nothing in the New Testament concerning Revival and Awakening Spiritual happening in the last days before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, still believe that there are many passages in the New Testament, at least, indicates of which we have to pray for Revival and Spiritual Awakening by the Church. Perhaps not as explicit as in the Old Testament, for example, " Do not return to give us life, that your people may rejoice in you?" (Psalm 85:6), or as in Habakkuk 3:2, "... O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of time, in the midst of the years make known, in wrath remember mercy" . However, such passages as the following should interest us about prayer. Consider Ephesians 5:18 - "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit " . not be "filled with the Spirit" indicates recidivism, I believe, and then there's Revelation 2:4 - "I have this against you, that have left your first love " , which is definitely re-offend. Verse 5, I have to say is Revival - "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent and do the first works, because if not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, thou repent ". So, dear people of God, that I say, then, we have the Biblical authority to pray for Revival and Spiritual Awakening, which is to be revived, renewed, be restored and be refurbished. Whenever this happens in a backslidden Christian, they will "filled with the Spirit" and be reconciled with his "first love" . Therefore, ¡¡¡Let's pray!

But first, let's deal with the question of the negative side, and see what the consequences would be. Consider what would happen if the revival does not come, and to do this let me use an illustration of a fruit tree as an image of Christians recidivists. In fact, the Scriptures use fruit trees as types of Christians: "And it will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, whose leaf does not wither and whatever he does shall prosper" ( Psalm 1:3). Therefore, "A good tree can not bear bad fruit, nor bad tree bear good fruit " (Matthew 7:18) where relapse into the life of the believer. But keep in mind that fruit trees are susceptible to disease and insects will be killed. Another thing, if not watered the fruit tree, even if you fertilize and try to protect them from disease and insects, even begin to wither. The longer this happens, the fruit tree will dry up, even to the point of finally die.

For your protection, we sprayed some sort of chemical that will bring healing, or to kill insects that are destroying the tree. This applies to Christians recidivists: As a recidivist, they have been infected by a "pestilence" spiritual and are attacked by "bugs" that can destroy spiritual. They are not spiritually healthy. " Also, if a fruit tree is not watered and fed, and is also infested with insects or disease that would kill them, the only solution to stop this is to do what is necessary to revive the tree making healthy watering, fertilize and getting rid of disease and insects that are killing the tree. This simple illustration can be applied to Christians recidivists.

How does this apply to Christians recidivists? Well, considering that the "water" or "rain" are types of the Holy Spirit and the blessings of God, which tells us that the revival must come from God. A Christian is a repeat offender is not "rain" of heaven, that is not "filled with the Holy Spirit" , which is essential for the revival and / or being showered with "showers of blessing" ( Ezekiel 34:26) from above. In addition, the repeat must be "fertilized" in being "nourished in the words of faith and good doctrine" (1 Timothy 4:6). Not only that, remember that recidivism brings "spiritual diseases" which are the "bugs" of sin in our lives that can only be cleaned "with the blood of Jesus His Son" (1 John 1:7). This means, then these three things, at least, have to happen in a Christian recidivist to be restored to a healthy spiritual. If not, the end of these "Christians" professing can be fatal, and perhaps tragic! Can a true believer to die in a backslidden state and still be saved? Enter a recidivist "heaven in a deplorable state?

Well, consider two people in the Scriptures that can be considered "repeat" and these are Lot and Samson. Lot in Genesis was a repeat offender and this is demonstrated when he went to live in Sodom (Genesis 19). Yet, God of His grace him out of Sodom, and even suffered the consequences of its recurrence losing his wife and his daughters were with him, he was left in his "backsliding." He was "restored" back to the Lord, and is considered to be one of the elect of God (compare 2 Peter 2:6-8ff.). The same with Samson: Judges 13-16. Your life can be considered to be "backsliding" because of the way he lived, but we can say that the way he lost his life was the consequence of its recurrence. In fact, he had lost his eyes to see, which means that it was "restored" back to the Lord. Does this mean anything? Yes, that means that God will not allow any of His chosen people die in a state recidivist! They will Aviv and will be awakened spiritually before entering eternity. I believe this principle is very evident in the New Testament and this is seen by many Scriptures which at least implies the Revival and Spiritual Awakening repeat Christians, as we shall see later in the message.

However, we still have to answer the question: What If It Comes The Revival? What can happen to recidivists professing Christians? Let me answer by three statements: In the first , God may allow some of His people die without a revival, as we see what happens to Solomon. Read 1 King is 11, especially verses 4, 6 - "And Solomon was old, his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as his father's heart David, "" And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after the LORD as David his father ". There is no indication that Solomon experience any kind of revival, but died with the effects of very heavy recidivism , as is evident with the results of it. In the second , we see the joy and certainty of the Apostle Paul's continued revival in your life as demonstrated by their victorious words: "Because I am already being offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished my career, I have kept the faith. Moreover, I is a crown of righteousness, which I give the Lord, the righteous Judge at that day: and not only me but also to all who love His appearing " (2 Timothy 4:6-8). But then the third , we see a very tragic example when God leaves Christians professed without any hope of revival. Ana Consider tuning and his wife Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). They lied and tempted the Spirit of God, and as you can see, both silent killed by their hypocrisy without any hope of revival and opportunity for repentance. Of course, the example of Solomon and Ana tuning and his wife should be considered examples of very serious reoffending, But grace was the difference between the two. With Solomon, God kept him in the final destruction, but in the case of Ana tuning and Sapphira, the did not!

Let me now make some observations: 1) No revival, the repeat CAN NOT be "revived," ie recurrent will remain in the spiritual condition is. Therefore, the life of Jesus Christ is "lived," or seen one that claims to be a Christian. In that case, how can one who claims to be a believer in the Lord Jesucristo tener la "prueba" de su profesión si su vida no es coherente con la Vida de Cristo? La reincidencia, por supuesto, apaga la Vida de Cristo del "creyente" profeso y lo que será visto es una vida carnal, mundana y pecadora; ¡totalmente al contrario de ser imagen de Cristo! Ya ven, en la reincidencia, el creyente profeso se está "marchitando" espiritualmente; y a menos que algo drástico suceda para revivir la Vida de Cristo en el creyente, ¡hay el peligro de morirse en un estado muy horrible! Después de eso, ¿quien sabe sino Dios? 2) Sin avivamiento, el reincidente NO PUEDE ser "renovado," es decir sus deseos y amor para el Señor, y las cosas que belongs to Him, to be started "again" in his life. Oh, really terrible for recurrent lose all those things which were his delight in the Lord! Seriously consider the request of Jeremiah in Lamentations 5:21 - "Turn us, O Lord, to you, and we will return: renew our days as of " . The renovation will "the desire of our soul ... your name and your memory. With my soul have I desired thee in the night, and my spirit within me" (Isaiah 26:8, 9). If this does not happen in the repeat, there will be "flowers" or "fruit" of God's grace. In the revival, grace "renews" repeat the son of God to manifest "the fruit of the Spirit," which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance "(Galatians 5:22 , 23). Amen.

3) No revival, the repeat CAN NOT be "restored," is returned to a fence walk with the Lord, because "who says he abides in Him must walk as He walked" (1 John 2:6). On recidivism, the "Christian" teachers has moved away and abandoned the Lord Jesus Christ or the Lord Jesus can accuse many of us: "I have this against you: You have forsaken your first love" (Revelation 2:4). In other words, dear, a Christian is a repeat offender who has cut his personal and intimate relationship with his Lord and Savior. Of course, sin does this, it is impossible to walk together in intimacy when sin comes between the believer and the Savior. One in a backslidden condition CAN NOT have joy of salvation, peace, forgiveness and made sure to be accepted in the beloved Son of God. No revival, no restoration! Then 4) No revival, the recurrent CAN NOT be "reformed." know, according to the Scriptures, that when we converted the beginning our lives are changed dramatically in Christ, because we become a "new creature," or "creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17). But when backslide, in a sense we go back to our former sinful life, basically living for oneself and the pleasures of sin and the flesh (compare Ephesians 2:1-3). So, unless God of His grace, we " reform " by His work of revival, with the latter may remain in a life recidivist no more different from the life of a lost sinner. That really would be very dangerous for the soul, because we could not say with the Psalmist: He "restore my soul" (23:3).

Therefore, we conclude that if NoViene Revival, then relapsed Christian CAN NOT be revived, renewed , restored and renovated such terrible and terrifying condition. Die in such a condition is to face the darkness, (but Juan applies to hate a brother), I think it may be true for a repeat offender; because they "are in darkness and walks in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because darkness has blinded his eyes" (1 John 2:11). God will not bless a Christian relapsed with promises of certainty of His Word simply because they are in rebellion against Him! Still, I fear that if the revival is not coming, not only are many professing Christians will realize that they were not truly saved, but true believers in their recurrence will go through great anguish and fear because of the uncertainty of their relationship with God. That's what makes recidivism! The exhortations of the Word of God to live in such a way through faith and obedience, shown by the holiness and separation from sin and the world, and to hold the works of the flesh, can only be done by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. But on recidivism, not just separate us from the power of God, but most certainly, the power of His Word in our lives as His children in His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and we will stay that way If revival comes not; not only personally but also corporately. Amen.

( will Continued )

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"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).

sin and sin not confessed is not forgiven a sour taste in our souls. This is the sad experience of every true believer who has fallen into sin, that can be said of them as in the days of Jeremiah: "Your wickedness will punish you, and your rebellion will condemn know therefore and see how bad and bitter is having left you the Lord your God, and that my fear in you, saith the Lord God of hosts " (2:19). And truly, if we stay, we will have to confess with the psalmist: " When I kept silence, my bones through my roaring all the day. For day and night was heavy upon me thy hand: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer " (Psalm 32:3, 4). Truly, dear, it is tragic that a " dies in bitterness of soul, and without ever having eaten with pleasure " (Job 21:25) because of sin not confessed and forgiven!

But oh! How sweet! In coming to God with a broken heart confessing our sins and experience the forgiveness of them is like "the strong came forth sweetness" (Jueces14: 14), and "who is that strong that we get to come with a confession of broken heart and the repentance of our sins and forgiving but "The Lord thy God (who) is in your midst, powerful, He will save, will rejoice over you with joy, streets of love, will rejoice over you with singing" (Zephaniah 3:17)? Go, or bitterness, for my confession was accepted by my God and He has forgiven all my sins. Indeed there is a sweetness to my soul that the sweetness of forgiveness, because to be reconciled to my God and Savior Jesus Christ according to His precious Word: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness " (1 John 1:9). Yes, my Lord, "How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Sweeter than honey to my mouth" (Psalm 119:103). Amen.

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The Book Revival, by Richard Owen Robert s
Flor Translated by Lasaro is

Christian recidivists are evident everywhere. Are en las iglesias y fuera de las iglesias. Están en los bancos y en los púlpitos. Están en las juntas (boards) y están aburridos (bored). Están en los comités y enseñan la escuela dominical. El reincidido parece ser más numerosos que los rectos y su influencia a través del mundo infinitamente más profundo. Mientras reincidentes no manifiestan todo los mismos rasgos, las evidencias de su condición no son difíciles de localizar con toda precisión. Las características siguientes merecen nuestra atención grave.

1. Cuando la oración deja de ser una parte esencial de la vida de un cristiano profeso, la reincidencia esta presente. Nos sacude to realize that many churches do not have public prayer meetings of any kind. More upset is the fact that many individual Christians have no regular periods of private prayer given during that communicate only with God. How can a person be both Christian without prayer? However, the sentence need not be entirely missing from the life of a person to relapse prevail. When prayer becomes superficial and without the moral seriousness, there is more than ample evidence of recurrence. Those who say their prayers every day never pray. The formulation of thoughts and ideas on religious lines, the articulation of words, leaning head and body and the repetition of phrases, not the actual sentence itself. If the heart is not in serious contact with God, genuine prayer is not present. The mere repetition of sentences written, much as beautifully constructed and apparently sincere, without proof of true prayer. When the human heart and the heart of God come together in communion, there is prayer. The lack of prayer and praying formality are unmistakable marks of a backslidden condition.

HNO AN ADDITIONAL NOTE. FLORES: I thought that praying for approximately thirty minutes before going to bed meant I was doing very well. Of course, neither prayed after waking in the morning. Maybe on a good day, he could about the time of one hour. Add a few minutes in the church, and I really felt it was a true Christian prayer, and this even as a pastor! Now, I can see why my ministry was not blessed by God! What is so sad about this is that in all my years in my ministry, I really never heard a minister of the Gospel to say something to cheer about prayer as an essential practice of a pastor to pray at least two or three hours a day! In fact, I'm sorry to say I heard some ministers encourage laziness on the personal and private prayer. But praise God, He has shown me that when prayer becomes a joy, then the time is not important. Spending time with the Lord in prayer may indeed continue for hours, and then those beautiful prayer scriptures such as 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - "Pray without ceasing", Romans 12:12 - "constant in prayer" Colossians 4:2 - "Continue in prayer ..."; Lucas 18:1 -" ... ought always to pray and not faint "if they become a reality and not a burden. This kind of prayer does not depend on our strength but in God's grace. No misunderstand me, I'm not saying of which we have to pray 24 hours a day on the knees, but I do say that if we pray not for just a few minutes per day, or only if we have time or are not tired, then obviously we are in a relapsed very serious condition. You can be sure of one thing: Without prayer is equal to impotence in the Christian life! Amen.

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To that one can experience revival, they first need to have life, are otherwise "dead in trespasses and sins " (Ephesians 2:1) and " alienated from the life of God " (4:18). If you have not "was born (do) again" ( John 3:3,7), then you have the Life of Christ in you according to 1 John 5:12 - "He who has the Son has life: he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. " If this is true of you, then you need not Salvation Revival but to keep them alive.

can get this Life in Christ by believing in Him, because "this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son " (v.11). At the time that a spiritually dead sinner believes in him "but is passed from death unto life" ( Juan 5:24). Is this true of you at this very moment?

If not, then "Repent and believe the gospel" (Mark 1:15). Look only the Lord Jesus Christ because He died only on the Cross to save sinners and give them eternal life. The proof is that He rose from the dead and is alive! For only faith trust Him for your salvation, and "be persuaded" that is only by all of grace that God will save you. Amen.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Groping On Bus Chikan

Joaquin Navarro-Valls on John Paul II: " His example is the best heritage, the richness of his teaching and his writing is always very present "


Joaquin Navarro Valls sobre Juan Pablo II: "Su ejemplo es su mejor herencia, la riqueza de su magisterio y de sus escritos estará siempre muy presente"

Redación - 26/04/2011
Joaquín Navarro-Valls, médico y periodista, es la persona que el mundo entero ha visto junto a Juan Pablo II a lo largo de sus 22 años como portavoz del Papa que ahora llega a los altares. Navarro-Valls y el cardenal de Cracovia, Stanislaw Dziwisz -secretario de Karol Wojtyla durante 40 años- son los dos testigos privilegiados de la extraordinaria dimensión humana y espiritual John Paul "the Great"

Born in Cartagena, Doctor of Medicine from the University of Barcelona and a degree in Journalism from Navarre, Joaquin Navarro-Valls was a correspondent for ABC in Rome in 1984 when Pope noticed him and called him to ask some suggestions: "I thought it would be only an hour ...! and were 22 years in the Vatican!".

psychiatrist, journalist and spokesman for two Popes, essayist and writer, Dr. Navarro-Valls is "Honoris Causa" by many universities in Europe and America. Polyglot, athletic, tanned, smiling and cordial, "voice" of Karol Wojtyla now chairs The Advisory Council of the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome.

Doctor Navarro-Valls, the presence of John Paul II has remained alive even after his death. How do you notice?

their presence is evident, not only in the richness of his teaching and writings. It is still very loved by millions. Almost say that their mission continues to receive each day in the Vatican Grottoes tens of thousands of visitors.

But do not miss his physical presence?

few days after his death I asked at a press conference if you missed it. And then said, "No, not I miss simply because earlier, according to the work he had, was with him two or three hours a day. Now, however, I can get in touch with him 24 hours a day. I ask advice, I ask you to help me .... "I learned with him to treat the human person that is and not what has

Twenty years working with John Paul II is a very long period. What have given those years? What you have left a legacy?
John Paul II was the best witness of what he said. So your example is his best legacy. But if an idea should reduce all their wealth, would was learned with him to treat the human person and therefore each one is and not what everyone is sympathetic, beauty, resources, etc.

What is your most vivid memory? Perhaps
Finally, the dismissal and without words, when the final was very close. As always, I was in the room, among other things because we had to continue to report on their status. It was a silent farewell. We locked eyes and it was all said he was not the lack of words. When he died, something happened in that room very revealing. Upon the death of the Pope began a prayer for his soul but a "Te Deum" of thanksgiving for his life, a life very rich phase that ended his earthly life at that time.
What was Karol Wojtyla in private?
privately as it was seen in public. But I think that was even better: a man in love and a Christian whose peculiarity was his intense personal relationship with God
John Paul II said that only he could understand "from within." What was the main feature of his personality? The
can have a child who is aware of who comes and who stays together continuously. So him and his spirituality were magnetic, attractive. He had many virtues, which improved every day because they never left to strive to live what those virtues required. But the extraordinary range of virtues did not come into collision with each other, had among them a superb integration. For example, could not waste a minute but at the same time, never hurry, never saw him tense or anxious. Special way I remember his humor, his smile. Even in times when everything seemed to require the tears. John Paul II had an intense relationship with God
In its 104 international travel, Karol Wojtyla taught the world to pray in public. Was it too hard when he prayed in private? Is it true that prayed prostrate on the ground?
Once, when believed only in his private chapel, I saw him sing in front of the sanctuary. Liturgical songs but they were not Polish folk ballads. Sometimes he seemed actually to pray prostrate on the ground.
Was a mystic?
had a strong presence of God, but ate his prayer with the needs of others. Message reached him from around the world, and was in the pew of the chapel. I have seen him spend hours on their knees to these messages, one by one in hand, on all sorts of sufferings and needs. But he knew also give thanks for many good things. I think that prayer was not concerned with things "his" but those of others. And much faith in the mercy of God. So his beatification will take place on the Sunday of Divine Mercy, a party which he instituted and Eve died.
Can you say it was also a Stoic? What was her mortification?
was not a rigid moralist or a Stoic. Her mortifications were very frequent, but above all, ordinary. Small sacrifices to reject without giving more importance to bed that offer on an intercontinental flight, delay drinking water in hot weather countries and stuff. In some periods of the year to one meal a day. And the eve of a priestly or episcopal ordination always fasted.
What was his secret communicator?
His effective communication was based more on what he said, not in how he said it. I would say that the truth of what he said was seen also in the expressive as saying.
But how long the cameras managed to capture?
"In 1987, during a trip to the United States, a reporter from the New York Times said" the Pope dominates television simply ignoring it. " Not prepare the set, did not accept makeup, not paying attention to the cameras or lights, but only to the people. People who, for him, was always a particular person along with other unique people.
"It gave you specific instructions about what he had to say as a spokesperson?
confident in the professionalism of those around him. For example, in 1991, told me in detail that he had diagnosed a tumor in his colon, then, was presumed evil. Its purpose was to announce days later at the Angelus, a few words, he would be hospitalized and to pray for him. He added: "Then, if you know the details, say what you feel is appropriate." He had great confidence in the discretion of each one of us. In 22 years I remember that after a full discussion subject, I never once said, "but this information is only for you, do not communicate." He was optimistic and had an extraordinary good humor
John Paul II is a person that has spoken publicly in history. Did also hear?
listened long and carefully, sometimes for long hours, both visitors and those who frequently invited to his table. Rather than giving directions, I used to do was ask for advice or suggestions. Then, of course, knew decide.
The saints are usually of good humor. "It was John Paul II?
Among the many qualities was also an extraordinary human good humor that went beyond a simple character trait. It was also the result of a conviction of a play around with the parameter of faith. He was optimistic, despite everything, he knew that at the end of human history is God, not the void of nothingness.
You accompanied him on many trips "secret" to the mountains near Rome. What was John Paul II on a day trip?
is a pity that we had done some more since the burden of work and responsibility at the tense world of the eighties was tremendous. We used to go in the afternoon in an anonymous car, we crossed the frenzied traffic Rome and we took a highway to a small house in the mountains. We slept there, and next morning the Pope a few hours skiing or walking. And no one recognized him because nobody could imagine waiting for the lift to the Pope. Were a few hours, but it was a delight.
You accompanied him on trips to 160 countries. How prepared these trips?
spend more time to prepare than to make them. He learned in depth about the situation of each country, its geography, history, ethnicities, languages, etc.. He spent months or weeks to study the language of a country, even the most difficult. I remember in Japan gave all his speeches and homilies in Japanese ... Once I explained why he traveled so much simpler: "Before people went to the parishes. Now is the pastor who has to go visit people."
What was the most important trip?
There were many very important, like Poland, for example. But I am impressed that made to Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic in the Caucasus, where I could not walk, had more than 80 years and many difficulties to speak. The number of Catholics in that country was less than 200, but wanted to go because he felt that the handful of Catholics had the right to be with Pope
And the most dangerous journey? Probably
visit to Sarajevo, which was delayed and it was very difficult to prepare for security reasons. Shortly before landing we were told that John Paul II could not go in the popemobile but by helicopter from the airport to the center of the city, as the UN forces had just discovered on a bridge a large amount of explosives. I told the Pope, but he asked: "Are there people waiting on the tour?". I said yes, and then replied: "Well done as planned."
You traveled to Moscow in 1988 to deliver a long letter to Mikhail Gorbachev Pope's personal. How was the subsequent visit of Gorbachev to the Vatican and his view on the role of John Paul II in the fall of the Berlin Wall?
Gorbachev's visit was an extraordinary meeting, the first time a Secretary General visited the Soviet Communist Party to a Pope, and the way they understand. That same day the Pope said, "is a man of principles." Although Gorbachev has publicly acknowledged the merit of the Pope, the great protagonist of the fall of the Berlin Wall was he, and he held the promise not to intervene militarily in the Warsaw Pact countries and also avoided a military response from Berlin. Is
Arguably, it was the Pope of the dignity, the Pope of human rights?
All his pontificate has been a defense of the transcendent dignity of the human person. And the characters even acknowledge very lapsed Catholic. The only times I saw him was "outraged" I was faced with situations of violence as in Lebanon or the Balkans. Seeing suffering could not prevent the invasion of Iraq, which he opposed with all his might.
Since the first mass as pope in St. Peter's Square, Pope John Paul II has always had a while to greet patients. What it meant for?
The subject is very deep, made of human suffering and the disease grandes cómplices de su Pontificado. Por eso tenía un gran amor a los débiles y los enfermos. Les sonreía, les acariciaba, les saludada siempre uno a uno. No tenía miedo del sufrimiento físico, que a veces es inevitable, ni de los sufrimientos morales grandes o pequeños: el hijo que te da un disgusto, el amigo que te traiciona… Tampoco tenía miedo al dolor o a la vejez, como se vio a raíz del atentado de 1981 y en los últimos años de su vida, cada vez más afectado por el Parkinson.
Era también el Papa de la «teología del cuerpo»…
Fue una de sus grandes contribuciones, junto con muchas otras. Amaba el cuerpo humano porque es a través del as the human body is inserted into the story. And that body, his own and that of others, deserves respect because it is not just a set of tissues, but the historical status of the person. I was not afraid but rather the body. Touched the sick, caressed and blessed to pregnant women. Kissed, hugged, played sports, cheered, sang ... I think his book on the theology of the body - "Male and female he created them" - is not only a classic of Christian thought but of philosophical anthropology.
you ever talk in English?
We spoke in Italian, he had declared "our language" the first time appeared at the balcony of the basilica of San Pedro. But occasionally initiated conversations with me in Castilian. And it was always going to me a joke. As I said, had the gift of good humor. Castilian only spoke with me when I went to play a joke
How John Paul II looked to Spain?
visit The fact that Spain is already five times eloquent. He knew its history and literature: I still remember great conversations with him talking about classic and modern English authors. He was also aware of some ambivalence in their history.
Now raised to the altar, you will write your book " personal memories of a saint? You play
an issue that weighs on me and I feel like a moral imperative. I have about 600 pages of notes taken during those years ... Much has already been written about him, but his person, his human profile is still rich, at least in part, to discover.
In April 2005, the faithful chanted "Santo subito!", "Holy Now." Beatification is the first step. And then ... holy when?
When God wills. But meanwhile there is anything we can do: learn from it to live.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Long Will A Scorpio Man Be Distant

Tokyo Blues

describes a wealthy Japan, a Tokyo university where they have nothing else to do but commit suicide. In the background are broken families, a tradition dissolved, stand alone, a childhood friend is everything (no reason commits suicide in a car with gas engine and the other goes into depression, admitted, just thinking to see why with it, despite wanting to, no moisture), and sexual fulfillment, crucial, it seems to rely on personal healing. There is a sincerity absolute, a show feelings without evlos and bluntly: I can ask you something? Make love to me. And: Thanks, have em back what I lost 7 years ago (esatba admitted to a mental hospital) You know what I want? Jovencilla asks the monkey whose mother died and father is in a coma (she would like Uruguay and all with him there, is making it up): That I asked you and then you refuse, but your dick is hard. Do you have it tough now? Based on a novel, it shows everything very naked, very authentic and very without handles. Nature is beautiful, where the residence is awesome crazy without it, neither cold nor snow nor the beauty and comfort all around them, serve them for nothing. What fault of their parents want to pay?
In the French Institute will exhibit a tour of the film of Tony Gatlif, awarded on Friday, 8 in the University by Assoc Gitana.Ayer Latcho Grom saw the landscapes that runs crossed the ROM (Zigana gypsies, gypsy) since they left of India 1,000 years ago to reach Spain (Badajoz): India, Istanbul, Romania, Egypt, Spain. It's beautiful scenery and music, the top of Badajoz, squatted by them then, now is the liberal professions.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Age Of Empires 2 2.0a Lan

The missionary who stood "before the sun"

The missionary who stood "before the sun"

OMPRESS-ROMA (07/04/1911) On 2 April, the pope has signed the decree on the miracle that opens the way for the beatification of Father Clemente Vismara, a missionary in Burma for 65 years, died in 1988 at the age of 91.

Agrate Brianza Born in 1897, was a hero in the First World War where he earned three medals for military valor, but in 1923 is priest and missionary of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions. It is intended to Kengtung, a mountainous area and almost unexplored forests of Burma at that time. There he founded three missions from scratch that are now parishes, establishing an orphanage for 250 children. Gradually born a Christian community and attending the Italian Sisters of Mary Girls to help so you can establish schools, chapels, create rice fields, irrigation canals, teach carpentry and mechanics, build homes and bring in new crops such as carrots and onions.

His beatification will take place in Milan on June 26 next.

His commitment to the mission was so great that Piero Gheddo who wrote his biography in 1998 titled "Prima del Sole" (Before the sun).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cocky Obnoxious Sport Quote

Tournée of Almeric, you fall in love

of him, of them, this crazy environment in which they live and work. If that environment disastrous directed, the show would not work need a caregiver, administrator, someone who goes to bed, give them cuddles, the kisses and then piss off, that's Almeric, a disaster for everything else, a genius for such things. Twenty years covered the international stage, trained with the Bader Meinhof in Lebanon (Bekaa Valley?), Was hired in support of Saddam Husseis to kidnap Prime Minister Arabia ambassador at the Vienna summit, delirious with hostages arriving in Algeria vip , Gaddafi would not receive them because they had killed one of his h, poor madman Viennese pilots asking them to Baghdad, had only aircraft capable of reaching Algiers, saved his skin by the hair. Wall fell and the Cold War is over. Falls Carlos in Khartoum at the hands of the French ambassador calling for his extradition for two previous crimes to Vienna, from where he lived as a student in the street Tellier and killed two cops. Has a cold-blooded and women are afraid they eat. The money can and abandoned: prostate, tummy flab. Now, if I lose that I seek in Sudan have the least class, pigs like the ones I met in Egypt tie him, put a bag over his head and an injection for delivery, and were his friends, how laugh at him behind his back. Incompetence and corruption go together! Behold the Andalusia com my 158 euros for a visit to SS or even did, damn. I do not look for these sites, as did many foolish things.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Shops Sell Camera Batteries

Beautiful Lies, Golem in a better world

is somewhat slow at times but full of emotion and that thrill of things before when life was not in a hurry and you could dwell on the details. In the end, after so much pleasure to the good feelings there is no salvation, not whether it is old and very glamorous to have. And the guy that Moor who've seen him in many poly supermacho doing, I give it, oozing libido in its patina educated Parisian. This time the Amelie actress becomes a hair stylist with the soul of matchmaker who leads a life quite particular and whose main commitment is to help his mother, a role played by Nathalie Baye, one of the most prolific faces of French cinema of the 70 and 80 and has worked with some of the most emblematic directors of European Cinema: François Truffaut, Jean Luc Godard, Marco Ferreri, Claude Sautet, M. Honorine, Alain Cavalier, Maurice Pialat, Paul Morrisey, Bertrand Tavernier, Nadine Trintignant, Philippe Labro and in recent years, Xavier Beauvois, Claude Chabrol, François Dupeyron and even Steven Spielberg. Pierre Salvadori, who directed the hit comedy You First, where we witnessed the duel interpretation of Daniel Auteuil and Jose Garcia, who led several times to several family members Depardieu, and author of numerous screenplays, not to mention his role as actor, proposes a comedy writer, in which the plot and love are basic ingredients but in the imagination of the protagonist gives it its character. Beautiful Lies opens the door to the world of Emilie (Audrey Tautou), a young 30 years, in addition to its own hair salon and bring in a special way, he advises his clients and friends. However, this gift does not serve to get help Maddy (Nathalie Baye), his mother, who seems to live since her husband left her. Les petits mouchoirs is small emntiras mistranslated as unimportant. Hayles lies but what you need above all is hypocrisy, to go all cows leaving friend in coma. And say they want. And it's true. Everyone lies pretend (angry generosity, the tedium of family life, the loneliness of single people) and pretend to have a good and loving much. But with all this, what else would one have such a group of fed cet été à Paris.

How Can You Advise Someone Who Is Stressd








10:00 a.m.


Parque Mariscal Castilla



Home in Av Cesar Vallejo, in the Parque Mariscal Castilla - Lince, Prescott Avenue to tour the one two blocks away - San Isidro, following the Av . Salaverry, the block 20 to 1, and ending on the Avenue of Peruvians in the Campo de Marte, Jesús María.

The park will be a concert of music for the life of about two hours.

Dear Friends,

recalling with joy the great March for Life will bring together many thousands of participants last year, united with great enthusiasm in defending the dignity of every human life, our organization would like to invite again all those who identify with this cause to attend the next great March for Life to be held on Saturday 21 May.

all participate and to involve as many people as possible in this important event for the unborn, which aims to raise awareness and prove to those who promote projects legislation to legalize the abominable crime of abortion in our country, that thousands of citizens who believe in the worth and dignity of every human life, and are willing to defend this case in a world that increasingly rejects all principles and moral order.

demonstrated to those who do not cease in its attempts to impose a death agenda promoted by foreign interests and anti-Christian ideologies, as Peruvians we can be the voice of the voiceless, and that is precisely what we do in this great place where we will walk together for the most vulnerable and defenseless of our society, today more than never need our support not to see threats to their lives!


Ceprofarena Event organized in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Lima

Monday, April 4, 2011

Blocked Foundation On Mobile Homes

Jesus died as a villain, but for the sake

I share a question I did at PAX TV SPECIAL:

Father Ignatius, we are already stuck squarely in the heart of Lent and Easter doors, the mystery of the cross and resurrection as being one of the major issues that you have tried and lives, what we could talk about the cross? We are also in the year of St. Paul, is a hot topic.

Father Ignacio: Well, that's very long, but speaking of Easter people are left with no mysteries Cruz huge, grand and practical, is the institution of the Eucharist, the institution of the priesthood and is especially the institution of the new commandment of love, new commandment, then Jesus late summarizes everything with love and life was carefree love if concerned about others, well, that we forget too, but these three holy days pillars are present. At Easter you miss yet another moment for me was the world's redemption Gethsemane, Gethsemane to my mind is when redemption is made the world, when voluntary, when Jesus went into an emotional crisis immense, formidable, to sweat blood, a phenomenon that occurs very rarely today, to say "I feel sadness of death", which words can say stronger than that! Well. And man was that he and his willingness to resist and wanted what I wanted and there were Father please save me from this hour! Please take this cup on the other! But always at the end: But do not get what I want but your will, or voluntary, died of a shameful death. The Romans had two ways to execute criminals, a of them was elegant if you can speak, decapitated and the other was infamous was reserved for slaves and terrorists, especially reserved. It is terrible to say what I say but I say this with great love, Jesus died as a base and does not end there and that he accepted willingly died for love, die for love of the Father and us. That is the cross and death, the resurrection is a result of the death of Jesus. Already there in chapter two of Philippians, Christ Jesus, being in the divine and all that, it was not considered an infringement to be equal with God but emptied himself abandoned in serfdom, submissive and obedient to death, death on the cross, then just one hand and the other begins there but the same thing, so all that the Father exalted him, pulled him from the clutches of death, gave the resurrection and immortality Lord above and below now and forever.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Can A Ulcer Hurt My Cheast



As scheduled, was held ATRIO PAULINE New Evangelization Forum

CELEBRATING THE NEW BLESSED POPE JOHN PAUL II on Friday, April 1, 6 pm Library Pauline, San Isidro ( side of the Church of Pilar). Due to the large audience could not have foreseen in the room but also in the Library.

The presenter, José Antonio Benito, highlighted the historical significance of the new Blessed and happy one month initiative of the grand ceremony of the beatification and six years of his departure for heaven.

It was a privileged witness, Monsignor Alcides Mendoza, archbishop of Cusco and participant in Vatican II. Elect Holder Metre Church on April 28, 1958. Consecrated Bishop e! July 6, 1958. Transferred to the Diocese of Abancay on 5 December 1962. Promoted to the titular church of Pederodiana with personal title of Archbishop on August 12, 1967. Transferred to Cusco on 5 October 1983. With great detail told us funny stories of her childhood: "I was born in Huancavelica. My father left me at a young age and I grew up with my mother until age 12, then entered the seminary. My priestly vocation began at age 7, with the example set by Maria Jurgen Redemptorist missionaries and Florencio Carlos Coronado. I became a catechist for the elderly. Since then I entered the seminar of Ayacucho and Arequipa, and finished my studies at the Faculty of Theology of Lima. At 23 he was ordained priest and bishop 30. I played live with five potatoes. From the first, John XXIII, who shared the time of Vatican II, when he was the youngest bishop in the world and lived next to the "priest theologian" J. Ratzinger (who then invited to Cusco, living a pastoral work week and where he came to see Machu Picchu), Juan Pablo II (while in Guadeloupe, the Pope asked the bishops to stay just taking a guitar and sang Polish "You have come to the shore," and when he visited Cusco and Quechua studied thoroughly but could not help saying "come as your Father and Shepherd, by changing one letter changed meaning "father and cat") or by comparing their Episcopal mottos Pope joked, "You are part of Mary, I'm all for Mary."

Then there were two recent books published by Pauline Pope, that of ALDO MARIA VALLI M i loved John Paul II life and pontificate travel and This is my life "Autobiography" of John Paul II Saverio Gaeta - introduction of Cardinal Angelo Comastri ... The c omments were made by Rodolfo Pini Francesco, English translator of the second. If the first helps us to contextualize journalistically papal trips, the second is a comprehensive anthology of autobiographical texts of the Pope in all his titanic teaching.

Finally Bishop Fortunato Pablo Urcey, Bishop of Chota, gave a succinct account of its work and welcomed the organization of the event, particularly the testimony of Archbishop Alcides Mendoza.

Superior Sister Mary Nicholas thanked the audience and invited him to the next event is also the First Friday of May at the same time and place.

reciting the prayer finished preparing the upcoming beatification and visiting the exhibition of books and photographs reminder of the pope's trip to Peru, Cusco particularly with Monsignor Alcides Mendoza.

endearing event that manifested the great love of all by the new Blessed.