Monday, November 29, 2010

How Do I Repair A Hole In The Bath

My comment

have to see what to do! One color hallucinates seeing cómoavanza history and how it has advanced Valladolid: Witches deMacbeth, those 3 infected beings emerged from the bowels of EARTH they did advance the plot in an infernal whirlwind queolían to menses and pulling back, now is 3 efebos . And LadyMacbeth, that seductive unrepentant able to pour into the ear Delmarès cowardly ambush the boldest and most lascivossuspiros, now is a small man, bald and librarian. We are a jail where the bare iron is theatrical props, multifunctional and multidisciplinary unartefacto despite its formainalterable, and it's characters take turns in managing the poder.Entran and out of it, climb it, relate to equal través.Es: Shakespeare's words sound the same or mayorfuerza always and not undermine even the most awkward dressing or lafalta them. On the contrary, it seems that stripping of galasvoluptuosas that has been coated with the theater and especially the cinema, andof those which we see in our imagination, inexorably lesdotara a greater force, a thrust that cuts three beings larespiración.Los Foul sent of Averno importantescomo are not as in a primitive stage of the theater were, then what erantodo, its occurrence and recurrence are not so dramatic force comoantaño. Are worn and, therefore, are now personajesprincipales (Banquo, Macbeth himself and his master librarian) losque, having absorbed his speech, and pamper themselves coro.Hay haciendoellos comment on this shift do not know if Borges forgive, but queresulta highly effective, as the modern viewer does not dejaimpresionar by choirs and bagpipes (have them daily in the terapiaocupacional) and needs to be tormented in another way. Then estáLady Macbeth that under his new guise, winding yfirme also imposes really: are the new forms of deception, says current elespectador, alien and all Platonism. UnMácbeth It's like the Iron Age while postmodern graffiti. Hittite UnMacbeth but with regret, because they only break elguión latest tragedy and that perhaps most escandalosopara the viewer today. But watch out, the playbill noaporta not one letter about his intentions, styles, etc.. Danombres only, plain and lirondo more that crown that the same is hierroque McDonald. They leave you free to comment and estrellarte.Macbeth orphan, W. ShakespeareCía: TeatroDefondoReparto: Javier Manzo, Paul Huetos, Juan Carlos Castillejo, AlexBrull, Humberto Orozco, Vicenç Miralles, Guillermo Villalba, PedroSantosIluminación, Costumes, Set Design, Music, Sound Area, Production, etc: Theatre background (Castilla y León) I Piau (Castilla-La Mancha) and Perigallo (Murcia) Place: Sala Fernando de Rojas of ABC (Madrid) Date: November 28, 2010


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