Monday, May 9, 2011

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BENITO , José Antonio. Peruvian specimens. Values \u200b\u200bof the disciples and missionaries, Saints, Blesseds and Servants of God in Peru. Lima Paoline 2009, 237 pp.

José Antonio Benito holds a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Valladolid. He is currently professor of both the Pontifical Faculty of Theology and Civil de Lima and the Catholic University Seat of Wisdom. This book provides valuable information that lets us get to know people who took seriously the demands of the Gospel in Peruvian soil.

The author's intention is to give some comments on those men and women, Peruvian or connected in any way with Peru, which followed a radical Christ, source of all holiness in the Church. In short, it is best to imitate them know. In this regard, he says, "I intend to exercise, read each chapter and summarize it with a value. You'll see that behind these figures there are great values. They all have something in common, their great value ... If I were to summarize what is characteristic of all, I went ahead and conclude this long way: a Peru Valen, are the greatest, most valuable "(p.21).

Peruvian copies in three parts. In the first, Dr. Benito presents a synthesis of the lives of the saints and blessed who lived in Peru. Surprise the reader to begin this section by placing first at San Jose because it is the patron of Peru. In this regard states that "although neither born nor died in Peru, however, the Peruvian government chose him as his employer" (p.25). Then begins to describe essential aspects of the lives of these saints: Santa Rosa de Lima (1586-1617), San Martín de Porres (1579-1639), San Francisco Solano (1549-1610), San Juan Macias (1585-1645 ), Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (1538-1606), Santa Narcisa de Jesus (1833-1869). Among the blessed draws: Sor Ana de los Angeles (1602-1686), Luis Tezza (1841-1923), José de Calazans (1872-1936) and Ascension Goñi (1868-1940).

In the second part, the author tells us about the lives of the servants of God. These are people who are on their way to the altar and are linked to Peru. Among them stand out especially: Fray Diego de Ortiz (1532-1571), martyr in Peru, "Luis López de Solís (1535-1606), Pedro Urraca (1583-1657), Francisco del Castillo (1615-1673), Luisa de la Torre (1819-1869), better known as the Beatita of Humay-Tasayco Melchora Saravia (1895-1951), the Melchorita-Candamo Teresa de la Cruz (1875-1953), Bishop Emilio Lisson Chávez (1872-1961), and the Franciscan priests killed by the terrorist dementia Path: Miguel Tomazek (+1991), Zbigniew Strzalkowsky (+1991) and Sandro Dordi (+1991).

In the last part, Dr. Benito highlights the lives of those people who made history in Peru. Stresses the reference made to those who promoted devotion to the Lord of Miracles: Antuñano Sebastian (1652-1716) and Antonia Maldonado (1646-1709).

The author also points to the martyrs of English civil war and spent some time on Peruvian soil. They are: José Luis Palacio Muñiz Fray Fray Fray Jacinto García and Manuel Riesco Gutierrez Ceballos. Among the highlights mentioned modern characters, including Father John Serpa (+2008).

As an appendix, Benedict selected a final document of Aparecida. Also, place a brief note on the first beatification in the history of Cuba.

In short, Peruvian specimens language text is a simple and uplifting, whose reading helps us to know more about the history of the Church in Peru. We believe that this book deserves to be spread among the teachers of religion so that young people can learn about the lives of those who, in their variegated circumstances and their boundaries, struggling to be faithful to Christ.

Fr Dr. Carlos Alberto De Almeida Rosell


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