Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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Persbrandt Mikael Starring Trine known Dyrholm and Ulrich Thomsen (actor, among others, the dogma film Celebration, Thomas Vinterberg), leads us through one of his characters, medical humanitarian aid, from a refugee camp in Africa to the daily Danish gray of a city provinces. The lives of two families (with two preteen children) are intertwined and created an extraordinary, though risky friendship. But the loneliness, the fragility and sadness are waiting to appear. Soon, friendship turns into a dangerous alliance and outrageous persecution and the life at stake. The film dives, among others, on the issue of male responsibility, specifically what it means when it comes to defending themselves and others. (...) "Much more than an exercise in suspense, the film raises key issues of an ever more complex. Rome title should the name of the protagonist's mother (successive stages Sacristán and Boto) whose life in Argentina (a happy childhood cut short at the beginning of adolescence and premature death of the father) and later in Spain and escrtitor maturity are marked by, are his mother. His whole life is his mother, his sacrifice to take it forward, to educate, to force him out of Argentina at the end (one taken by the montoneros Argentina) is all memory and his life in short. Beautiful scenery of the Sierra Madrid, life in Buenos Aires, the neighborhood feel and friends wonderful atmosphere, Aristarain. A tribute to children and mother.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Strep Enlarged Spleen

With the timely and generous as ever, Lucia Alves sends us good news to thank and ask the Lord. PHOTOS:
current General Council, from left to right, Martha Lucía Bedoya, Treasurer, Elvira Barceló, Counsellor, Gloria Guerrero, Adviser, Lucia Alvear, Director General, Luz Marina Bermudez, Counsellor, Araceli Londoño, Counsellor, Secretary Estela Lopez.
Merceditas, founder. ,
P. Carlos Guillermo Alvarez G., Eudist. March 25, 2011
The Feast in the House
Serve in Bogotá in 1939 when they met and met Father Andrew and Mary Janes, were two people who had already taken a radical choice in your life. Father Andrew Eudist had been ordained for 21 years and Merceditas had decided to devote his life to Christ and the gospel for two years.
When the two characters met, Father Andrew was 47 years and Merceditas 28. One was ripe for apostolic work and dedication to the work forming the Church, the other was a soul thirsting for living water that refreshes and strengthens, but just beginning their journey of surrender and consecration. There
encounter, empathy, understanding between the two, and in them the Lord began a work of edification and mission, almost two years later resulted in the founding of the Institute Faithful Servants of Jesus. Rereading
Merceditas chronicles on the March 25, 1941, left for a taste of simplicity, poverty and humiliation. Hold together the three founding an opening Eucharist, with Father Andrew as president, amid a group of girls together, but without saying anything, nor proclaim anything, not announcing anything, is something hard to accept today. It was a quiet start God's work, but confident that the YES of the three God could be a seed that would flourish with vitality and strength.
Seventy years later we're together, we make a wonderful feast of brotherhood and joy, we celebrate the wonders of the Lord in many places and people and proclaim openly that the Institute is a work of Church, a fruitful tree extending its branches in several countries and offers a path to holiness so many men and women who seek perfection.
The "yes" Merceditas quieter, Josephine and Helen had, however, much to do with the "Fiat" of Mary, in a small forgotten house of Nazareth. Thus, as later, Nathaniel was going to say about his future Master: "How can anything good come from Nazareth?" (Jn 1.46), so this small group of three women seeking God, one might ask: What these three young men who give their Yes to God, may emerge anything interesting? "
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Incarnation, we recall the Yes of Mary at the mission that God gave him and we remember the" Fiat "of the first Faithful Servants of Jesus.
Let me, then go back earlier, to a page of Cardinal Pedro de Bérulle, which says "Fiat" of Mary. It is a page that marked the life of Father Eudes, the life of Father Basset, the life of Mary Janes. It is a page that can also mark us in fulfilling our mission and an understanding of how large can be a simple yes to God who calls us and we trust a task in the world.
Luke tells us in the text of the announcement that Gabriel, the messenger of God, enters the house of Mary, presents, delivering a mission, listen to concerns, answers and clarifies, awaits a response from Mary and goes back to the place of God. It is the home of Mary, and not the temple, the place of the wonderful presence of God, the place where the Lord will come to reside and pungent meat. There is a change of residence, which still have not grasped and live fully. The Lord wants to leave the temple to come and live in the hearts and lives of believers forever.
Mary asks: "How can this be?" The angel clear and speaks of Jesus who wants to live and reign in it, and Mary agrees. Bérulle writes:
"The Virgin seated on the angel's word, obeyed God and says:" Behold the handmaid of the Lord, unto me according to your word "(Luke 1.38)
This word Virgin would not is a word of pity routine and trivial sense. It is a humble and happy egregious word heaven, the salvation of the universe and tears of heaven the eternal Word to bring it to the ground. When this virgin humble, quiet and modest opens his mouth to utter, lies in the hands of the eternal Word that accompanies it, to be embodied in it, who want to mother. It is this divine Word which inspires the word and conveys this attitude.
The last word of the Virgin Mary to the angel is very different from the first. Is no longer a strange word, as before, but consent. Inquiry is not human but divine determination. Not a word of hesitation, but compliance will live and burning and God's work. It is a sublime, memorable and beautiful word, a word of grace, love and life, a life that has never ended. Because that word gives life to the living God communicates eternal state now the eternal Son of God himself. "
contemplate what you can achieve a yes to God and think of our response to God's call. It is dedication and openness to God, but is also the possibility that God does wonders for us and through us, because he wants to establish his kingdom in the world. And
Bérulle Cardinal continues: "What a powerful, fruitful and happy is the word! Many secrets, thanks and contains effects! With good reason the Virgin uttered in a moment for her as holy and happy in the moment of greatest power and the higher fertility that can be communicated to a creature, when she will conceive and produce the Incarnate Word, which is under , light and power of the Father.
When the Virgin uttered this word is immersed in a unique grace, a divine state, an attitude that makes producing admirable acts and excellent effects. At that time she was cut and at the stoop, is exalted higher than the heavens. There is lost in the hands of his God, as a nothing before his Creator and becomes mother of his Creator. Then she gets into your greatness through their humiliation; enters motherhood by her virginity, sovereignty penetrates through obedience. Is the Servant of the Lord and become the Mother of God. Mother and servant at the same time always mother and always a servant, as her Son is God and Man, always God and man forever.
So she, a virgin, becomes a mother, two benefits of the heavenly court, until that day inconsistent, in that instant Mary gathered in regard to their mission and to himself. So that not only preserved her virginity, but sublime, crowns and flowers more than ever that motherhood, and motherhood is a holy prepared divinely happily achieved and of its virginity "(Life of Jesus, 15 )
The "Fiat" of Mary gave birth to the mystery of the Incarnation, the definitive presence of God in us and the transformation of our history. The "Yes" three brave women opened new perspectives to many women in Latin America, wanted to devote his life to God in the midst of secular activities, and began creatively a new way of holiness. The "yes" of our day invites us to look forward to the future and we may hope for new ways of delivery and commitment to make valid and engaging the lay vocation within the world.
Thank God for these seventy years of the Institute, we honor the memory of the pioneers who opened new paths of dedication and commit ourselves to be bold and creative, to live our vocation to holiness in the School of Jesus, the Master always Current
Friday, March 25, 2011
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Alvaro Martinez Vega
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The two I have really liked each in its own way, the two French, two to overflowing with charm. Catherine Deneuve I have started well in cer Poticha, makes floerero woman after decades of regarding it as such, I never imagined such large doses of joke on someone so stretched and only with squinting eyes. A naturally charming and agility that makes him lose the charm and the smile never. The Chambon with Vincent Lindon make the Odd Couple and morbidity while more pr offers: professional musician, her: education bookish, a lover of painting, all that brings art to life and may remove more of the physiological, the it is almost immaterial to his physical, he endowed with grace mason, you either have or not have, succumbs to his charm. The atmosphere is reminiscent of Dutch painting XVII (Vermeer of Delft) and the Nordic area (hence the importance of the window, the light of quince materialized in many shades), the characters very well created and the tempo of the action very well measured (days of containment nothing happens, it seems that everything will come to nothing, and suddenly everything breaks crouched wanting salis). But especially in light of both exterior and interior, wonderful. The French know how to do these things.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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1 - Being one of the first tasks of the Ibero-American I find community personnel to integrate the theoretical instances the personalisim proposes to personal and community practices in Latin America, a first important conclusion was the highlight in different exposures the value of consistency between what is proposed in theory and what is done in practice, a balance of intrinsic to pose his personality but whose visible enactment would be implausible. You need to do community work to overcome the fear of facing a very adverse cultural environment and have the courage of conviction to move from commitment action.
2 - diagnostic exercise to learn the facts about the staff, we must act, was another of the characteristic of the papers. Emphasized the pressing socio-economic and environmental problems caused by the neoliberal development model that bases its axioms in the very individual and their right to build detached from an ethics based on the individual. This meager living anthropological but strongly individualistic and materialistic consented, perfectly explains the guidelines of the global economic policy governed by intergovernmental organizations as the only viable considering the current "development model." Famine, poverty, unemployment, poor education, lack of financial means, lack of health care as a fact of life in large marginal sectors of Latin America, and all other severe inequalities that plague the region, calling for an urgent economic proposal that actually points to a fair and substantial improvement in the lives of all men and women on the planet.
3 - Personalism is called to respond purposefully to the injustice resulting from the economic model force. Economic specialists convened spoke of the need for an "economy with a human face" to show that real output is viable to the distressing problems of Latin America as long as there is a personal conviction and a partnership basis and perseverance of the leading sectors to design strategies and socio-economic policies that privilege the most disadvantaged and dispossessed. The work in this field is characterized by its high quality and showed a promising way for the sustenance of social management based on values \u200b\u200band community involvement seriously, encouraging a future of new social policies of strong commitment to the dignity and value unquestionable people.
4 - Regarding the Challenge of personalism against the current state of the bioethical issue and forge a culture of the person, who worked the theme speakers stressed the serious dialogue between science and philosophy as a prelude to the reconstruction of a culture that prioritizes the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof life, foundation of our civilization. "War, terrorism, death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, torture, genetic manipulation that plays with life and objectified, etc., Are variants of the barbaric savagery that will make the societies that legalize rationalize or that. " It is well known that the perversion and manipulation language enters today almost natural collusion with 'old new forms' of violating the right to life, calling 'abortion' to abortion or 'race health' to eugenics and genetic manipulation , to name just a few examples why it is unavoidable to the "work of cleansing and enlightenment," we can be as personal intellectual. At a time when discursive ideological confusion and the absence or distortion of the values \u200b\u200binherent in a culture of life threaten the intrinsic ethical-anthropological structure of the relevant people in your community, it becomes essential Community personalism perspective should strive to shed light on conflict, duties and rights issues to human life posed by the globalized world, and therefore, the work of each of the people in our society, both in public sphere and in private.
5 - was certainly a tacit but central to this meeting the absolute recognition of the relational status and loving people as the core of truth from which is based around the contemporary personalist thought: the "I" without the "you" ends diluted and sick to the point of being a "near absence" since the I get to be me in you, "the tuificarme am." And so, the fundamental obligation of the person is responsible for the one suffering but this is not the more you want, a mandate that should propagate in society as the essence of its purpose: the common good. The misconception of the self begins when we walk away from you, when societies and culture advents madness is me without you, source worst individualism. The challenge is ongoing and no one says that it is easy to live under this sign, as noted in the text Mounier, 1935 to present unique: "I go to other men, and I'm going to unknown villages of my fantasies. I think I'm interested in the other, I have mercy on him, I'm lenient with him, but I lean on myself, I cry over me, I give myself reassuring acquittals. (...) Some seek this mirage in games. The social bond between them is the desire to please others "(Revolution Personal and Community).
6 - Another important conclusion is strengthened by the end of the meeting and has to do with the loss of the inner journey. Unlike the culture of comfort and relaxation that the mass media proclaim every day as an ideal of life and successful living standard to be attained at all costs to avoid feeling 'off' or 'less & # 8217;, personal action must seek ways to give impetus to the most original of the personal that is precisely the creative tension of a healthy lifestyle, concentrated, and not for relaxation. It is necessary to recover the voltage of the gathering, which is not synonymous with relaxation, and a healthy spirituality to restore lost contact with yourself, so that balance and our tendencies towards dispersion, lightheadedness and confusion, that puts us comfortably into barbarism understood as the "tyranny of the lower orders." Gabriel Marcel has said that "the dominant fact today about everyone else ... is that life is no longer loved Thus, at bottom, nothing seems less a love of life that sickly taste for instant joy ... it has broken a nuptial bond between man and the life "(The man against the human). None of which will be possible, either theoretically or practically, without accepting the personal life as a gift and grace becoming of a transcendent order.
7 - The foregoing summary conclusions pertaining to the discourse that the discussion of the participants threw personalistic, would be meaningless if they stayed right in the mere rhetorical hermeneutics because of conscience that it generates should emerging commitment to transformative action in society, projecting, to the extent of the talents and personal vocations, in the protection of the weakest sectors, marginalized and excluded, for personal conduct and community would not be such without the testimony of given and the virtue of justice managing availability. Community to establish itself as the supreme values \u200b\u200bof citizenship and humanity that we all know, freedom, equality, fraternity, solidarity, peace, justice-will be feasible only through its embodiment in virtues, values \u200b\u200band habits made life , achieved by educating the idea and example. For this it is necessary, above all, give fulfilling the mandate personalist "conversion" of his heart which requires deposit in the heart of the community. The real transformation will be done from the very raison cordial and only from there can look forward to the personalist and communitarian revolution, which must be not only spiritual but also economic and structural. Only from this humus personalistic set by the urgent order of love will be firm till the hope of the people.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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MARIANO director MAIL me a generous interview published in the No. 115, March 2011, CENTRAL CHARGE .
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Monday, March 21, 2011
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The Catholic Church's liturgy is the action of the Lord Jesus Christ, sanctifying the men through signs, gestures and symbols.
This course will be an introduction to the symbolic language of Christian worship, so that better understanding of the symbolic universe, may be more aware of liturgical participation, full and active.
be offered an explanation of the sacredness of the liturgy, and physical and sensory involvement in the liturgy of the Church.
explain some actions are symbolic and liturgical gestures as a sign of the cross, body postures, walking, singing, eating and drinking, incense, water, anointing, silence, etc.
Teacher: Fr. Dr. Pedro Hidalgo Díaz. (RECTOR, pastor of Christ the Priest, Spiritual Director of the Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles)
Duration: From March 21 to April 11. (Monday)
Investment: 45 soles.
Hours: 6. 00 pm to 9.00 pm
Registration: Complete the registration form and return it to this email. Cancel the current account of Banco Continental (Soles) No 011 - 148-100008616 sure that is the name of the Faculty. If not cancel days prior to the course at the university.
Information: diplomadoteologia.ftpcl @ gmail.com , 461.00.13
Participation certificates will be awarded
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4 .- Amount: s/45 soles |
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Sunday, March 20, 2011
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weekend of 25 to 27 February in the retirement home of Sisters of St. Joseph of Clunny ", was held the First Congress organized by the FENIS Vocations, the same one attended by an average of fifty people from different Secular Institutes in Peru who met on this occasion to reflect on this subject so interesting and so much relevance for our Church of Today, the same that served not only to deepen the subject, but to delve into the task of strengthening the theme of vocation promotion for our Institutes.
An immediate predecessor, was that two members of the Federation of institutes had the opportunity to participate in the Vocations Congress organized by the CELAM, in the city of Carthage Costa Rica, which was achieved reflect on the particularities of the so-called Culture Vocational motivating theme of the Congress in Peru as well.
The organization of Congress, responding to a concern early to make a replica of what lived in Central America, to the extent cool and decided on this issue, as an initiative of the Institutes in the country and the commission vocational promotion from that experience is stepping up actions to its members, and leaving open the call to work hand in hand with the Peruvian Episcopal Conference interested in this challenge.
There were also words of encouragement and vocational enthusiasm expressed at different times by Bishop José Gea, who grateful to be reminded on many occasions by his books and memories, especially in the last Congress organized by the CISAL IISS in Lima. "You can achieve a vocation without a strong dose of inner life" . We recalled.
The topics to be developed, there were two, in line with what worked for the P. Amadeo Cencini, keynote speaker at the Congress of CELAM, highlighting the theme of Theology Vocational and Vocational Education, framing in the three solid foundation of his thought:
- vocational theory, Base doctrinal theological
- sensitivity vocational, spiritual mark sensible of it in the believer's life.
- vocational pedagogy, practical dimension of vocational.
Sustaining also the importance of vocation and ministry of the Church par excellence, been said that this is central ministry or a Christian or not, and that she has to leave all other pastoral.
Passing the vital importance of recognizing what the response given by God's fidelity to the charism of each work and each founder or founding, it has to motivate every time but the real callers and creating experiences of call, so there really is no crisis of calls, but callers.
Strong words for a world often called post-Christian, but is actually pre-Christian, and therefore it is important today given the contribution that the Institutes for encourage the life of the Church, considering the urgency of creating a culture of vocations in the family, the structures of state and society, media and culture in general, in every realm of the Church, what makes us once again be carriers of a special grace, as the IISS members are privileged to live in the amalgamation of the lives of many people in their encounter with God and with faith.
Excited by the message of these days, we formed from these expressions, a vocational high sensitivity and desire to motivate others and our members to be enthusiastic and motivating callers to experience God in our youth and every person we touch interface.
the end of the Congress, made several commitments and one of them certainly is the renewal of our allegiance charismatic church to work for vocations to the Church in the Peru and where we play lead as well as encourage and promote the culture of vocations, including all vocations that the Church can give us.
In Closing Eucharist Father Enrique Carrión in his capacity as Secretary General of the Department of vocations for the Episcopal Conference, we urge you to "renew our work for vocations in general and always be joyful witnesses of the Lord's message, as always institutes have done, "said priest known as a close and secular life in Lima.
There remains the challenge of renewing the brochures for dissemination of our vocation, and other vocations to the Church, and the organization of more meetings and developing these chips and Vocational Creeds to be reflected upon by all, but especially the renewed intend to be carriers and disseminators of the joy of what God does in us.
FENIS Vocation Team - Peru
(Submitted by Mark Ccoriñaupa)
Friday, March 18, 2011
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add to the wealth of information sent by our president CISAL, Lucy Flores, Marcos Coriñaupa sent us this delicious story of a friend Salesian Angel Roncero, SDB. And first announced today it will soon be the "multiplication" in Peru.
Cartago (Costa Rica), from January 31 to February 5 , 2011
"Master, at thy word I will let down the nets." With this motto, Carthage was the capital for a week of the Latin American church with the presence of some five hundred delegates from Canada to Chile and Argentina. Others lay hundred Costa Ricans, especially young people, made of "servers" with excellent logistics, organizational model.
Numerous delegations of the Catholic Church were officially present in this great assembly: Lay and laity, men and women religious, secular institutes, priests, bishops, cardinals, delegates from the Vatican by the Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations Diocesan (POVs), the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) with its president, Cardinal Archbishop of Aparecida (Brazil), the Latin American Confederation of Religious (CLAR), the Latin American Seminar (OSLAM), the Confederation of Secular Institutes in Latin America (CISAL), etc., etc. Of course, Pope Benedict XVI sent Congress a special apostolic blessing and an emotional, deeply theological and pastoral message on the vocation and the conditions for a flourishing again come springtime of vocations to this great continent of hope.
The event began with a celebration of the congressmen in the cathedral of Carthage with host Bishop Bishop José Francisco Ulloa Rojas on January 31 at 18.00 and ended with another celebration presided by the Archbishop of San José, Archbishop Hugo Barrantes Ureña in the Basilica of Our Lady of Los Angeles on Saturday February 5 at 11 am.
central theme: the Christian vocation and vocations in the past, present and future projection. The goal, create a culture of vocations in the Christian people. "Called out the nets to achieve full life in Christ"
On the Vocation several speakers made presentations in plenary sessions. But the main course was served, in almost perfect English, the world-famous university professor and Amadeo Cencini Italian priest, of the Sons of Charity Canossian. Cencini prolific writer, a professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He is an expert in Theology and Psychology of Vocation and the consecrated life. Interesting input on the Theophany and Teopatía of vocation. Pati Deum. Having God, suffering as God, suffer and those in which God suffers. And all this combined with the suffering of Christ. Vocation without passion there.
Christian vocation, like Christ, has a glorious and a sacrifice. Radical response and delivery to the living God. Surrender to God and neighbor. And surrender, surrender for delivery. Radical renunciation itself for total surrender to the Father is the greater glory of Christ and the Christian. vocation is not my first realization, is for the community. The Christian is saved to be the savior of others and the only way to be a Christian. Life must go as well received as property given life, love, love received donated. The vocation talks, first, of God and nothing else, the love of God caller. At the beginning is always the love of God who calls. Each vocation is different, as different is the individual. Every vocation is unique, unique, individual, but not for himself but to serve others in the community. It represents the infinite being of God and therefore of his infinite love. Good theologian and an excellent speaker, Cencini stresses the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's love, charity. God is love and therefore calls. Calls into being a project of love and personal and unique for each person who comes into this world. Call it always calls for love and love always. It is proper to draw its essence. Also for priestly and religious vocations God always calls. The vocation crisis is not called, but the callers, the animators, callers, mediators ... Why I have to be a good mediator and facilitator of that eternal flame? If you do not consider myself responsible forever calling and call of others, I can not be true vocations promoter. It seeks to discover, respond, encourage, support and be faithful to this call of God eternal. Even before I met you and you were born I consecrated. Vocation from God is one and ultimately to every human being, but from our acceptance and implementation is done every day, morning vocation is. According Cencini in the Bible is not the man who makes experience of God, but God who does experience man. A culture of vocations, says Cencini, includes three key elements. The intellectual or vocational mindset that corresponds to the theology of vocation. This should become a vocation in the Church sensitivity corresponding to the spirituality of vocation. The idea and the sensitivity should go into effect, the specific rules with the methodology and Vocational Education. Vocational work must be the transversal element of the entire ministry of the Church. The pastoral, or is vocations or not pastoral. Here comes the relationship between lifelong learning and vocational animation, both can be done throughout life and are two times the same content and psychological or theological perspective.
The Salesian Argentine Mario Llanos, a professor at the Institute of Vocational Education of the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome, presented the results of global survey done by the Vatican through the Episcopal Conference on the Vocation world.
In the preparation and conduct of the Second Continental Congress Latin American and Caribbean Vocations (with the presence of observers from the U.S. and Canada) worked a long time thousands of people across Latin America. But two priests were mainly Costa Ricans have endured over behind "the weight and heat of the day." The Fr. Alexis Rodriguez Vargas , the Archdiocese of San José and the executive secretary of the Department of Vocation and Ministry (DEVYM) CELAM, organized the convocation, the agenda, speakers and directed the activities of groups, workshops and plenary sessions. The Fr. Cristian Rivera , Vocation Director of the Diocese Host was responsible for organizing the supply room and five hundred delegates, all free , and also all that relates to logistics at a conference of this magnitude . The Church of Costa Rica, parishes and families of Cartago and San José, staying free to all delegates, demonstrated once again the great sense of brotherhood and charity that has always characterized. The Church of Costa Rica has been a wonderful example to the world, proving that you can make a major conference of five hundred delegates from over 30 nations without paying a dime to any hotel ...
The environment and development of the entire Congress was deep brotherhood, consensus and agreements stress-free groups, mentalities, national or regional. For practical reasons, divided the continent into regions: Caribbean, Central America and Mexico Bolivarian Countries, Cono Sur. Naturally, they all came out determined to work harder and better, together with one accord to create the Christian people a "vocation culture" by the Christian vocation, the laity, priests, consecrated religious.
The Second Continental Congress on Vocations was preceded by national conferences throughout the continent and continue with the POST- by nations and regions. The POST-for Central America will have in the diocese of Suchitepéquez, Guatemala.
expected the Continental Congress a new dawn, a new Pentecost in the Church in Latin America until every Christian is a disciple and missionary of the Gospel.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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Shahbaz Bhatti: This is the name of the last martyr for the faith in Jesus Christ, so far. He was Minister for Minorities in Pakistan, according to his own testimony, "I have proposed high positions in government and asked me to leave my battle, but I've always rejected, even at the risk of my life. My answer was always the same: No, I want to serve Jesus as a common man I do not want popularity and power. I just want a place at the feet of Jesus, I want my life, my character, my actions speak for me and say I'm following Jesus Christ. I want to live for Christ and die for him I have no fear. " Is this possible in today's world? Yes, it was just not possible, but real, in Pakistan. It was the only Christian minister in this country and so, was shot. The Pope expressed his profound grief over the brutal murder. He had received last September at the Vatican. "I pray to Lord Benedict XVI has said that this sacrifice of life of the minister wakes up in the minds of courage and commitment to protect religious freedom of all men and, thus, promote the equal dignity of all. " Pakistani bishops asked the Holy See to be declared a martyr. In his last interview, he had complained: "There are murderers who, in Pakistan, are seen as heroes."
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(If anyone has a picture of Fra Angelico on the angels and saints that put it on the internet)
Speaks preacher, François-Marie Discalced Carmelite Léthel
VATICAN CITY, Wednesday, March 16, 2011 (ZENIT.org ) .- From Monday to Saturday, Benedict XVI is living with his collaborators in the Roman Curia days dedicated to prayer, together with saints.
The preacher of the Spiritual Exercises, the Discalced Carmelite Léthel François-Marie, prelate secretary of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, specifically chosen as the theme for his thoughts: "The light of Christ in the heart of Church: John Paul II and the theology of the saints. "
"After the pope asked me preach these spiritual exercises, I picked up in prayer and I was clear guidance should be given to the meditations, spiritual preparation for the beatification of John Paul II, to be held on May 1, Sunday Octave of Easter, the feast of Divine Mercy, beginning the month of Mary and the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, "reveals the preacher.
"I am convinced that this is an event of immense scope for the Church and the world, which requires a deep spiritual preparation by all the people of God, and in exemplary fashion by the Santo father and his closest associates, "said in an interview to the Italian edition of L'Osservatore Romano" on March 17.
"The beatification of John Paul II is at the pinnacle of his extraordinary pontificate precisely under the sign of holiness. Discussing the topic, I chose an icon of the communion of saints: a picture of the Blessed Fra Angelico, representing saints and angels in heaven, come together and form a sort of circle. The saints are given and we shake hands to guide us along the path of holiness. "
"This is the meaning of conversion Lenten pledge also increasingly entering us in this' circle of the saints. " The ring, led by the pope Karol Wojtyla, who shakes hands with the two saints who are closest to him: St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort, who inspired his 'Totus Tuus', and St. Therese of Lisieux, the only holy proclaimed Doctor of the Church during his pontificate. "
By collecting the spiritual legacy of John Paul II, Father Léthel believes that "is totally focused on his great Christocentric and Marian spirituality."
"The basic statement focuses on the first words of Redemptor hominis: " The Redeemer of man, Jesus Christ is the center of the cosmos and of history ", and the great motif of GS : "Christ has united himself with each man."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
My Head With Different Haircuts
is a documentary that delves further into the Mooore on finance, global crisis, the fraudulent financial products that have led many (mortgage and savers) to ruin ruin. First Iceland begins: Here the people learned from the newspapers that such and such local millionaire bought a luxury penthouse in Manhattan, so do not tell them nowhere is that he had bought with a loan from a bank here that was not going to pay anything to go up the interest and the bank would go under and they would lose their savings. And then goes to the U.S., the stock market, the treasury, all corrupt and accidentally Ergül nothing, leaving strange names to create products and diabolical operation. The CDO Collateral ..., bonuses to reward employees who placed lso, subprime, mortgage bonds, derivatives future, something infernal that exonerated the employee who placed the a client knowing that was not going to pay, but it did not matter because what interests dabaunos soaring and there come into play financial, insurance (which is why the once nearly bankrupt Leman Brothers and AIG, however, two days before had just received the AAA rating and A2 one another). It turns out that these rating agencies financial and credit institutions such as Moodys, which is now down to Spain and the Autonomous Communities, charge them. Are you the gaskets, you score well, if not, you say that yours does not give confidence. Who qualifies for the qualifiers? U.S. Nobel laureate who Bush appointed the maximum G, Jew is the enemy of any regulation of these fraudulent banking products are evidently, then is there to rescue the banks with only U.S. 700,000 million of public money, and managers that have led to bankruptcy, go and wages rise with public money. Then they go and with the public money they received from the bailout, bet on the stock attacking the values \u200b\u200bthat they themselves have placed (CDO) and advised clients to buy. It is assumed that advise against the customer, bad faith and without any scruple.
In the brain, activates the same money that sex cells, there comes a time in the stock market is to see who has got longer and is paid to the executive sessions luxury brothels may charge to the company, is insane. Incentives when its shares rose but the penalty is only for customers. They are not responsible for anything. Leveraging
a product: It says a lot but what is not clear to me. There is talk of Morgan Stanley, Pealson, director of the Treasury benefited, recently appointed by Bush, a law that would exempt from paying taxes on their shares to sell 8SE sees paar enter the treasure had to settle before their actions). Stok options, is also spoken. What is missing
make them tax havens if they ahcer whatever they want? The documentary blames all of the banking crisis. these financial products, and a bitter enemy of investment funds (deposits better, even if the bank fails, goodbye), which is buying the ruin of those who must, the gain is based on what others lose.
Crossstitch Poinsetta
A Gutierrez, Asturias, became a director in the USSR. Why? It was one of the 3000 children during the Civil G esp were taken to the USSR. Arrived in Leningrad in 1937, spent the terrible siege to the city that was soemtida by Hitler's troops and then evacuated to the Urals where temperatures of 40 below zero, ending the conflict lies in the outskirts of Moscow, there studied stage management and befriended Tarkowsky, T director of tarangog Chekhov, the author's native widow of Uncle Vanya. There was honored today for years the director of the chamber T Chekhov (in Lavapiés).
Monday, March 14, 2011
What Cruise Lines Have Tanning Beds
Music Leonard Cohen (Dance Me to the end of love and I'm your man), tells the story of B over 4 decades and two continents: Rome, NY. Humorous, with many sets, separation, trauma, drinks too much, but it makes you mourn, the disaster comes from alcohol, can not say no to anything, but gets lost everything, Alzheimer's is a merciful end. Dustin Hoffman makes great father to Paul Giamatti, the great protagonist. Says Robert Lantos: the other actor would have been great More than 30 years: it was Dustin Hoffman, who plays father. "We needed someone pretending to be rude, communicate a love that conquered the audience inside."
It does, how awesome movie.
Another movie that impressed me was Puzzlemanía, Argentina. An enigmatic housekeeper, as tb Nefertiti which is spoken (in lospuzzles no passion for Egypt), ends up being a egnio of puzzles and what is more, awakening passions with his dull life where every secret is a disaster to around: the woman, the housewife who, not being taken into account reveals essential to everything else going well or is properly greased, wields enormous magentismoa its around, however, gives up everything for his family.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
What Is The Knee Brace Used By Nba
Alvaro Martinez Vega
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Has Anyone Used A Franke Flair
Malthus, thank God, you were wrong! Soothsayers of all peoples, disengaged. Pessimistic of all the planets, not right! RESOURCES ARE THERE FOOD IF THERE HEART TO SHARE. So welcome SEVEN BILLION little baby! If Mother Teresa were here I would have winked his eye and also would have given you a hug. Each time a child is born, God smiles back again! I agree with the article Steve W. Mosher president of the Population Research Institute. http://www.fluvium.org/textos/vidahumana/vid364.htm
By the end of 2011, a baby will leave the womb of his mother, his first breath and will announce its arrival in the world with a cry. So Baby born as Seven billion.
We all agree that that day will be an important milestone because our planet will become home to seven billion human beings. But many wonder whether this event will be a warning sign of impending doom or is it something we should celebrate.
The prophets of gloom, the population bomb and the "baby booms" probably prefer the Seven Billion Bebe never born.
He or she will come to a more prosperous what our ancestors did not even imagined.
figures give us reason
As population increases, so does our welfare. In 1800, when there was only one billion human beings, income per capita was only the equivalent of U.S. $ 100 today. In 1900, when the population was close to 2 billion, reaching $ 500.00. Now, with 7 billion people, per capita income has risen to over $ 5,000.00. In 2100, with a projected population between 7 and 8 billion (but already in decline due to birth trends current), will be U.S. $ 30,000.00 in current dollars.
The so-called "population explosion" in the last two centuries has been a revolution in the increase of health. In the 19 th century, four in 10 children died before reaching 5 years of age. Today the infant mortality of children under 5 years is less than 7%. Consequently, humans live longer. Two hundred years ago, the human life expectancy was less than 30 years. Today it is near 70.
As people live longer, naturally there are more of us at any given time. This is cause for celebration, not despair.
In almost every measure of well-being, from infant mortality and life expectancy, education level and caloric intake, life in Africa, Asia and Latin America has been improving drastically. According to World Bank Average incomes in the developing world has more than doubled since 1960.
enough grain is produced for each person on earth to consume 3,500 calories daily. No one need die of hunger amidst plenty.
The population has doubled since 1960, but the availability of food and the world's resources has never been higher. Economies continue to grow, productivity is increased and pollution is decreasing. Life expectancy lengthens, poverty has been reduced and political freedom is growing. Even the ever-troubled Middle East would be forever thought the field of dictators and Ayatollahs, is constantly moving towards development. The human race has never been in such good shape.
What are we doing with all that good?
Although all indicators curves indicate economic improvement, demographically speaking, the opposite happens. In fact, the depopulation, not overpopulation, is the biggest threat facing the world today. More than eighty countries, which together represent more than half the world population, have a fertility rate below replacement, as defined in 2.1 children per woman.
Currently the population in developed countries remains static or declining. United Nations predicts that by 2050 Russia's population will have reduced by 25 million people in Japan at 21 million, Italy at 16 million and that of Germany and Spain in 9 million each. Europe and Japan will lose half of its population by 2100.
countries with fertility rates below replacement eventually disappear. It's just a matter of time.
Even in developing countries the size the family has decreased from around 5 children per woman in 1900 to less than 3 today. And the downward trend remains firm.
According to the "low variant projection" of the UN, historically the most accurate, the world's population reach up to 8 billion in 2040 and then begin to decline.
fertility rates higher are increasingly rare. United Nations figures for 2008 show only a handful of countries with population growth rates above 3%.
By 2050 people aged 65 years or more will almost double that children 15 and younger. The economic consequences of aging will be the closure of schools, declining stock markets and economies moribund.
So why continue to promote the control home?
None of the figures we have mentioned is part of a confidential report. It is very difficult to believe that those who promote birth control in the world ignore these facts. Is much more likely to think about pursuing a different logic of those who think soundly on the welfare of all human beings alike. Just make a list of those funding birth control and other what are the stocks to which it is addressed, and the answer will pop into view. A review of its founding ideology (Margaret Sanger, John Rockefeller III, among others) and their political operatives (here the list is endless but let us cite the example of senior officials of UN since U Thant on until Michelle Bachelet) will remove any doubt: the birth control is a way to vary the final what the trends mark. The question is ... can they?
One of the main ways to justify the dissemination of birth control was the fear of population growth, the myth of overpopulation.
To do this it was necessary to misinform. So the UN Population Fund (UNFPA for its acronym in English) and other population control have always been reluctant to report the truth about the declining fertility rates worldwide, raising funds and scaring people with the specter of overpopulation. We have poor people in developing countries have too many babies. To say that only the rich should have kids. It is a new form of global racism.
did a great job. Today think about having more children, not less (think about the logic of the numbers) we find completely alien. They worked efficiently our mind and our will to create us a sense of insecurity to population growth. And at the same time, we have a complete ignorance and indifference to the terrible consequences of depopulation.
From here we call to stop this. To learn and find out other reality, the figures and facts. We must stop finance population control programs, and instead, turn our attention to real problems such as malaria, typhoid and HIV / AIDS.
Unite also to celebrate the birth of Baby Seven Billion. He or she is a sign of our future, our hope and prosperity.
People are the greatest asset of humanity. Extraordinarily gifted people have contributed civilization enrich and lengthen life. But the fact is that everyone, rich or poor, is a unique creation with something valuable to offer the rest of us.
Seven Billion Baby, child, whatever the color of their skin, not a liability but an asset. It is not a curse but a blessing to us all.