With the timely and generous as ever, Lucia Alves sends us good news to thank and ask the Lord. PHOTOS:
current General Council, from left to right, Martha Lucía Bedoya, Treasurer, Elvira Barceló, Counsellor, Gloria Guerrero, Adviser, Lucia Alvear, Director General, Luz Marina Bermudez, Counsellor, Araceli Londoño, Counsellor, Secretary Estela Lopez.
Merceditas, founder. ,
P. Carlos Guillermo Alvarez G., Eudist. March 25, 2011
The Feast in the House
Serve in Bogotá in 1939 when they met and met Father Andrew and Mary Janes, were two people who had already taken a radical choice in your life. Father Andrew Eudist had been ordained for 21 years and Merceditas had decided to devote his life to Christ and the gospel for two years.
When the two characters met, Father Andrew was 47 years and Merceditas 28. One was ripe for apostolic work and dedication to the work forming the Church, the other was a soul thirsting for living water that refreshes and strengthens, but just beginning their journey of surrender and consecration. There
encounter, empathy, understanding between the two, and in them the Lord began a work of edification and mission, almost two years later resulted in the founding of the Institute Faithful Servants of Jesus. Rereading
Merceditas chronicles on the March 25, 1941, left for a taste of simplicity, poverty and humiliation. Hold together the three founding an opening Eucharist, with Father Andrew as president, amid a group of girls together, but without saying anything, nor proclaim anything, not announcing anything, is something hard to accept today. It was a quiet start God's work, but confident that the YES of the three God could be a seed that would flourish with vitality and strength.
Seventy years later we're together, we make a wonderful feast of brotherhood and joy, we celebrate the wonders of the Lord in many places and people and proclaim openly that the Institute is a work of Church, a fruitful tree extending its branches in several countries and offers a path to holiness so many men and women who seek perfection.
The "yes" Merceditas quieter, Josephine and Helen had, however, much to do with the "Fiat" of Mary, in a small forgotten house of Nazareth. Thus, as later, Nathaniel was going to say about his future Master: "How can anything good come from Nazareth?" (Jn 1.46), so this small group of three women seeking God, one might ask: What these three young men who give their Yes to God, may emerge anything interesting? "
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Incarnation, we recall the Yes of Mary at the mission that God gave him and we remember the" Fiat "of the first Faithful Servants of Jesus.
Let me, then go back earlier, to a page of Cardinal Pedro de Bérulle, which says "Fiat" of Mary. It is a page that marked the life of Father Eudes, the life of Father Basset, the life of Mary Janes. It is a page that can also mark us in fulfilling our mission and an understanding of how large can be a simple yes to God who calls us and we trust a task in the world.
Luke tells us in the text of the announcement that Gabriel, the messenger of God, enters the house of Mary, presents, delivering a mission, listen to concerns, answers and clarifies, awaits a response from Mary and goes back to the place of God. It is the home of Mary, and not the temple, the place of the wonderful presence of God, the place where the Lord will come to reside and pungent meat. There is a change of residence, which still have not grasped and live fully. The Lord wants to leave the temple to come and live in the hearts and lives of believers forever.
Mary asks: "How can this be?" The angel clear and speaks of Jesus who wants to live and reign in it, and Mary agrees. Bérulle writes:
"The Virgin seated on the angel's word, obeyed God and says:" Behold the handmaid of the Lord, unto me according to your word "(Luke 1.38)
This word Virgin would not is a word of pity routine and trivial sense. It is a humble and happy egregious word heaven, the salvation of the universe and tears of heaven the eternal Word to bring it to the ground. When this virgin humble, quiet and modest opens his mouth to utter, lies in the hands of the eternal Word that accompanies it, to be embodied in it, who want to mother. It is this divine Word which inspires the word and conveys this attitude.
The last word of the Virgin Mary to the angel is very different from the first. Is no longer a strange word, as before, but consent. Inquiry is not human but divine determination. Not a word of hesitation, but compliance will live and burning and God's work. It is a sublime, memorable and beautiful word, a word of grace, love and life, a life that has never ended. Because that word gives life to the living God communicates eternal state now the eternal Son of God himself. "
contemplate what you can achieve a yes to God and think of our response to God's call. It is dedication and openness to God, but is also the possibility that God does wonders for us and through us, because he wants to establish his kingdom in the world. And
Bérulle Cardinal continues: "What a powerful, fruitful and happy is the word! Many secrets, thanks and contains effects! With good reason the Virgin uttered in a moment for her as holy and happy in the moment of greatest power and the higher fertility that can be communicated to a creature, when she will conceive and produce the Incarnate Word, which is under , light and power of the Father.
When the Virgin uttered this word is immersed in a unique grace, a divine state, an attitude that makes producing admirable acts and excellent effects. At that time she was cut and at the stoop, is exalted higher than the heavens. There is lost in the hands of his God, as a nothing before his Creator and becomes mother of his Creator. Then she gets into your greatness through their humiliation; enters motherhood by her virginity, sovereignty penetrates through obedience. Is the Servant of the Lord and become the Mother of God. Mother and servant at the same time always mother and always a servant, as her Son is God and Man, always God and man forever.
So she, a virgin, becomes a mother, two benefits of the heavenly court, until that day inconsistent, in that instant Mary gathered in regard to their mission and to himself. So that not only preserved her virginity, but sublime, crowns and flowers more than ever that motherhood, and motherhood is a holy prepared divinely happily achieved and of its virginity "(Life of Jesus, 15 )
The "Fiat" of Mary gave birth to the mystery of the Incarnation, the definitive presence of God in us and the transformation of our history. The "Yes" three brave women opened new perspectives to many women in Latin America, wanted to devote his life to God in the midst of secular activities, and began creatively a new way of holiness. The "yes" of our day invites us to look forward to the future and we may hope for new ways of delivery and commitment to make valid and engaging the lay vocation within the world.
Thank God for these seventy years of the Institute, we honor the memory of the pioneers who opened new paths of dedication and commit ourselves to be bold and creative, to live our vocation to holiness in the School of Jesus, the Master always Current
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