Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Head With Different Haircuts

inside job at Sony

is a documentary that delves further into the Mooore on finance, global crisis, the fraudulent financial products that have led many (mortgage and savers) to ruin ruin. First Iceland begins: Here the people learned from the newspapers that such and such local millionaire bought a luxury penthouse in Manhattan, so do not tell them nowhere is that he had bought with a loan from a bank here that was not going to pay anything to go up the interest and the bank would go under and they would lose their savings. And then goes to the U.S., the stock market, the treasury, all corrupt and accidentally Ergül nothing, leaving strange names to create products and diabolical operation. The CDO Collateral ..., bonuses to reward employees who placed lso, subprime, mortgage bonds, derivatives future, something infernal that exonerated the employee who placed the a client knowing that was not going to pay, but it did not matter because what interests dabaunos soaring and there come into play financial, insurance (which is why the once nearly bankrupt Leman Brothers and AIG, however, two days before had just received the AAA rating and A2 one another). It turns out that these rating agencies financial and credit institutions such as Moodys, which is now down to Spain and the Autonomous Communities, charge them. Are you the gaskets, you score well, if not, you say that yours does not give confidence. Who qualifies for the qualifiers? U.S. Nobel laureate who Bush appointed the maximum G, Jew is the enemy of any regulation of these fraudulent banking products are evidently, then is there to rescue the banks with only U.S. 700,000 million of public money, and managers that have led to bankruptcy, go and wages rise with public money. Then they go and with the public money they received from the bailout, bet on the stock attacking the values \u200b\u200bthat they themselves have placed (CDO) and advised clients to buy. It is assumed that advise against the customer, bad faith and without any scruple.
In the brain, activates the same money that sex cells, there comes a time in the stock market is to see who has got longer and is paid to the executive sessions luxury brothels may charge to the company, is insane. Incentives when its shares rose but the penalty is only for customers. They are not responsible for anything. Leveraging
a product: It says a lot but what is not clear to me. There is talk of Morgan Stanley, Pealson, director of the Treasury benefited, recently appointed by Bush, a law that would exempt from paying taxes on their shares to sell 8SE sees paar enter the treasure had to settle before their actions). Stok options, is also spoken. What is missing
make them tax havens if they ahcer whatever they want? The documentary blames all of the banking crisis. these financial products, and a bitter enemy of investment funds (deposits better, even if the bank fails, goodbye), which is buying the ruin of those who must, the gain is based on what others lose.


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