Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bangbros Without Register

conclusions Ibero-American community personnel "Community personnel in Latin America of the XXI century. A door to hope," Cordoba, Argentina, 28, 29 and 30 April 2010 50 YEARS

1 - Being one of the first tasks of the Ibero-American I find community personnel to integrate the theoretical instances the personalisim proposes to personal and community practices in Latin America, a first important conclusion was the highlight in different exposures the value of consistency between what is proposed in theory and what is done in practice, a balance of intrinsic to pose his personality but whose visible enactment would be implausible. You need to do community work to overcome the fear of facing a very adverse cultural environment and have the courage of conviction to move from commitment action.

2 - diagnostic exercise to learn the facts about the staff, we must act, was another of the characteristic of the papers. Emphasized the pressing socio-economic and environmental problems caused by the neoliberal development model that bases its axioms in the very individual and their right to build detached from an ethics based on the individual. This meager living anthropological but strongly individualistic and materialistic consented, perfectly explains the guidelines of the global economic policy governed by intergovernmental organizations as the only viable considering the current "development model." Famine, poverty, unemployment, poor education, lack of financial means, lack of health care as a fact of life in large marginal sectors of Latin America, and all other severe inequalities that plague the region, calling for an urgent economic proposal that actually points to a fair and substantial improvement in the lives of all men and women on the planet.

3 - Personalism is called to respond purposefully to the injustice resulting from the economic model force. Economic specialists convened spoke of the need for an "economy with a human face" to show that real output is viable to the distressing problems of Latin America as long as there is a personal conviction and a partnership basis and perseverance of the leading sectors to design strategies and socio-economic policies that privilege the most disadvantaged and dispossessed. The work in this field is characterized by its high quality and showed a promising way for the sustenance of social management based on values \u200b\u200band community involvement seriously, encouraging a future of new social policies of strong commitment to the dignity and value unquestionable people.

4 - Regarding the Challenge of personalism against the current state of the bioethical issue and forge a culture of the person, who worked the theme speakers stressed the serious dialogue between science and philosophy as a prelude to the reconstruction of a culture that prioritizes the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof life, foundation of our civilization. "War, terrorism, death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, torture, genetic manipulation that plays with life and objectified, etc., Are variants of the barbaric savagery that will make the societies that legalize rationalize or that. " It is well known that the perversion and manipulation language enters today almost natural collusion with 'old new forms' of violating the right to life, calling 'abortion' to abortion or 'race health' to eugenics and genetic manipulation , to name just a few examples why it is unavoidable to the "work of cleansing and enlightenment," we can be as personal intellectual. At a time when discursive ideological confusion and the absence or distortion of the values \u200b\u200binherent in a culture of life threaten the intrinsic ethical-anthropological structure of the relevant people in your community, it becomes essential Community personalism perspective should strive to shed light on conflict, duties and rights issues to human life posed by the globalized world, and therefore, the work of each of the people in our society, both in public sphere and in private.

5 - was certainly a tacit but central to this meeting the absolute recognition of the relational status and loving people as the core of truth from which is based around the contemporary personalist thought: the "I" without the "you" ends diluted and sick to the point of being a "near absence" since the I get to be me in you, "the tuificarme am." And so, the fundamental obligation of the person is responsible for the one suffering but this is not the more you want, a mandate that should propagate in society as the essence of its purpose: the common good. The misconception of the self begins when we walk away from you, when societies and culture advents madness is me without you, source worst individualism. The challenge is ongoing and no one says that it is easy to live under this sign, as noted in the text Mounier, 1935 to present unique: "I go to other men, and I'm going to unknown villages of my fantasies. I think I'm interested in the other, I have mercy on him, I'm lenient with him, but I lean on myself, I cry over me, I give myself reassuring acquittals. (...) Some seek this mirage in games. The social bond between them is the desire to please others "(Revolution Personal and Community).

6 - Another important conclusion is strengthened by the end of the meeting and has to do with the loss of the inner journey. Unlike the culture of comfort and relaxation that the mass media proclaim every day as an ideal of life and successful living standard to be attained at all costs to avoid feeling 'off' or 'less & # 8217;, personal action must seek ways to give impetus to the most original of the personal that is precisely the creative tension of a healthy lifestyle, concentrated, and not for relaxation. It is necessary to recover the voltage of the gathering, which is not synonymous with relaxation, and a healthy spirituality to restore lost contact with yourself, so that balance and our tendencies towards dispersion, lightheadedness and confusion, that puts us comfortably into barbarism understood as the "tyranny of the lower orders." Gabriel Marcel has said that "the dominant fact today about everyone else ... is that life is no longer loved Thus, at bottom, nothing seems less a love of life that sickly taste for instant joy ... it has broken a nuptial bond between man and the life "(The man against the human). None of which will be possible, either theoretically or practically, without accepting the personal life as a gift and grace becoming of a transcendent order.

7 - The foregoing summary conclusions pertaining to the discourse that the discussion of the participants threw personalistic, would be meaningless if they stayed right in the mere rhetorical hermeneutics because of conscience that it generates should emerging commitment to transformative action in society, projecting, to the extent of the talents and personal vocations, in the protection of the weakest sectors, marginalized and excluded, for personal conduct and community would not be such without the testimony of given and the virtue of justice managing availability. Community to establish itself as the supreme values \u200b\u200bof citizenship and humanity that we all know, freedom, equality, fraternity, solidarity, peace, justice-will be feasible only through its embodiment in virtues, values \u200b\u200band habits made life , achieved by educating the idea and example. For this it is necessary, above all, give fulfilling the mandate personalist "conversion" of his heart which requires deposit in the heart of the community. The real transformation will be done from the very raison cordial and only from there can look forward to the personalist and communitarian revolution, which must be not only spiritual but also economic and structural. Only from this humus personalistic set by the urgent order of love will be firm till the hope of the people. E2% 80% 9Cel-personalism -Community


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