Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Racquetball Courts St. Louis, Mo

sarah key, Twelve, returning to South

This December has been lavish in releases and passes: 1. Sarah key refers to Paris 1942, French authorities to collaborate with Hitler, the signs read this summer on the lintel of the doors of the schools and buildings public "Le Marais" district so popular now fashionable and expensive, of course. Jew there is the Shawarma of eggplant. 11,000 children deported and killed, including up to 13,000 women, all French and going to French schools, by virtue of being Jewish. 70,000 Frenchmen were deported in total, says the end of the film, an investigation into a concrete fact because someone inherits a floor that had happened, what motivates the case. There, on that floor, a child trapped by his sister Sarah in the closet with the purpose of protecting it rots because all Inclusive Sarah, is the lead for good. It seemed a joke, no one had taken seriously, only rumors, only men, first, the children too, then. In the end, they take all but the child and Sarah will never get his brother's life wardrobe, but what is there in the room where he had promised not to move, a nightmare to mark his life to suicide, despite remade in the U.S. after having managed to flee the country and adopted by a family. 2.Twelve is in NY and is about boredom and excess during Holy Week by adolescents in family rather than have everything and yet, find any justification for self-destruction and destruction directly. Drugs are actors, twelve is a bottle poper as they used to dilate and I saw in Barcelona Chez Ismael. They are able to prostitute herself for twelve. South 3.Volviendo is a true slut: Dan anets the square to a decrease than a parent, from there the picaresque and punishment: Piglia exiled to the South: the mafia, garbage the terrifying legend in his descent to the South. On the contrary, people are loving to the brim, the food is strong and true and I never want to go, go cry to get as much as cursed. Honey is Turkish and Golem, beautiful and a rural tragedy told with great lyricism and love for nature and the father of a child who does not learn to read easily. Letters to father Jacob, Alexander, tb precious Finland, forests, solitude Nordic has a perfect ending in which everything fits, everything planted, until then absurd, it finds its correspondence. The man next door, tb of Alexander, the Goya Argentina. It sees the hand of Rafael Spiedelburg in the script, a neighbor of nightmare. I have something to say, of another Turk, Ozpetek, but based in Italy, is about homosex who confesses, in a bourgeois family tradition. Fun and monumental landscapes, memories and repressed desires.


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