Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Motherboeards With Pci


For the Heads of the Secular Institute of Peru and all its members :

; ;

thank our Blessed Mother has allowed us to live the "Day of Fenis" in brotherhood, sharing this past Sunday (day 22) the Eucharist in the Chapel Fundo Santa Rosa (Pax), lunch in the dining room of the Monastery of Cistercians (Lurin) and then share the eve.

According to pogram "Training Meeting" to be held on August 14 this year, the retirement home in San Jose, Clunny (Magdalena), we asked to take into account the dates scheduled.

  • TRAINING MEETING August 14 (Topic: The Vocation)
  • RETREAT THE FENIS 16 October (Topic: Totus Tuus)
  • ADVENT MEETING December 11

We connect our Blessed Mother



Cranberry Juice Cause Red Stool

hanna, brutal box, nowhere boy, Vacationer

Nowhere Boy, exciting, hanna, fast-paced, brutal box, interesting. This is how I have the week: brutal (Meha goalkeeper repeated for the umpteenth who wants to see me in a wooden box under the ground "as well: Below ground, that's where I want to see. And in a wooden box. Brutal box is English and is very madinusa (new technologies and the business they send all), sony ahnna going to be a bombshell that let me see Lamb and Lennon's love is simply thrilling, a life adventure that marked the genius. For Holidaymakers saw elsewhere yesterday, based on Gorky adapted by Miguel del Arco, with 11 players, all young except one, all known from the TV, it was very good and also trepidante, ya me la quitó Sofía. Todo parece tan sencillo que uno piensa: Lo podía haber escrito yo, pero ponte: Dos horas y emdia y que no sobra nada como no sean los momentos musicales que yo perdonaría pero necesarios para marcar el tempo y el tiempo. Es como si reuniera muchas obras en una sola (19'30 y Pequeñas mentiras sin importancia, por ejempol)
Luego tenía olvidado completemante algo que me impresionó sobre manera: Mis caminos a través de la danza, basado en la vida y el baile de Mariemma, sucesora de La argentina, una vallisoletana criada en parís y vuelta a España al empezar la Segunda Mundial, al pueblo de Íscar, cortando así su destino de bailarina clásica para formar, después of fierce fighting in the middle of nowhere, the Mariemma Ballet of Spain, the largest English ballet who ever lived and will eventually become the home of my first of artists such as Enrique Morente, Aida Gomez, Elio Bernhayer, Lola Greco, Joaquín Cortés, Tomasa Benito or Elvira Andrés. "In the Paris of the 20's, the immigrant talent petite anglaise takes to Mme Gontharowa, exbailarina of Russian Ballet and dance prof du Chêtelet T Classic. The movie premiered at Cannes in 2007 and the director, Daniel Cabrera is one of Iscar, which supported the film Ayto.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Where To Buy Ring: Philippines

Blood Simple, the movie

Jens Lapidus The shining star (born 1974) is the man behind the most talked about debut novel of the decade: Money Complicated (2009), a brutal and bleak story of the slums of Stockholm where the Hell's Angels, the Bandidos, mafia groups of foreign origin (Serbian Belgrade ksovares, Latino) and criminal gangs compete to defend their space and the control of drugs, weapons and money. Lapidus
is a young criminal lawyer of great success and thanks to his experience representing some of the most famous criminals in the country has a unique vision of a world most people prefer not to look. Jens Lapidus uses the time spent in court and tell the things are, no one is free. The critics have been enthusiastic about his uncompromising approach. Easy money has been compared with the work of James Ellroy and has been hailed as the most original Swedish crime novel published in the last decade and "the most documented account of the Stockholm underworld ever written." A commercial success from the start, Easy money has sold over 500,000 copies in Sweden and remains firmly on the top of the list of the nation's biggest sellers.
The movie will premiere a ESTs days (May 2011) and makes the hair stand on end. The drug and revenge confñuir makes the characters on a single objective, which will bring catastrophe. But this, to be announced, does not eliminate the suspense that grabs you to the chair, especially the fate of a poor child that his father would deliver the coup de grace. All were to deliver the coup de grace to change your life and finally made good men. Well described as drug-related, such as mafia and addiction.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Futanari Wordpress Themes

One woman, a gun and a noodle shop Viridiana

I've seen it 2 times and it's awesome, I can not agree more with this:
"20 years after seeing the movie" Blood Simple "from the Coen brothers, with whom he was deeply scarred, Zhang Yimou, moving the same story recalls the famous black humor and suspense of the Coen fascinating to universe of Chinese culture. The filmmakers are opting for an aesthetic style of classical Chinese opera, "San Cha Kou", in which all the characters are confined in the same space, each exchange their paper with the other and again to commit the same mistakes, laying bare the absurdity of life, somewhat ironically repetitive and out of our control. "This is how should I treat my family spoliation by miniclanes drug and property in Villaverde. If I knew and I dare.

Viridiana is more wonderful still that when I first saw it, I have more ability and more depth (and easy) to appreciate it. Viridiana was shot on a small farm near the Palace of El Pardo, the official residence of General Franco. It was the first time that Luis Buñuel filming a movie in Spain after years of exile in Mexico, where he lived since the Civil War ended. When the script was submitted to the authorities of the time for such approval only objected and the project went smoothly censorship.
However, like almost all his films, lawless elements abound, such as intense sexual desire that the character played by Fernando Rey feels for her niece, played by actress Silvia Pinal . He also criticized the Christian charity and included some scenes clearly provocative, such as dinner for the homeless, a clear parody of the painting by Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. Viridiana
Cannes Film Festival came to just three days after they had completed background music. Was projected last day of the contest and the jury had already decided on the titles, concluded by bestowing the Golden Palm, shared with the film The Long Absence (A long absence) of Henri Colpi.
Buñuel had not traveled to France, so I picked up the coveted award the then Director General of Cinema the English Government. The next day an article in L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's official newspaper, broke the scandal. The newspaper accused the film as blasphemous and complained that a film they have been presented "Catholic Spain." The Director of Cinematography was immediately dismissed and ordered to destroy all copies of the tape.
In Paris, however, had a negative and the film was released in all the world like a Mexican production. In Spain he was forbidden to exhibit, as if it never existed, and could only be released in May 1977, a year and a half after the death of Franco.

The fellow (now retired teacher) than yesterday was telling us his vision of the film was always considered a lucky, how well do you speak English, how keen to talk to Don Luis, and how they respected all, a great silence to start rolling, it was all very clear and cheated to censorship than ever imagined that such elements, almost bigotry, arming the images assembled.

wonderful Debits: Nero Group, I wish you all good, Ada Hotel, corner of Gran Vía Players on the terrace with the wedding cakes and funny Norwegians, Polanco, in their awards in the CBA, the group Ocean, Gold medal in the teaching of languages, Ballesta, 4, ONCE with intellectual paniaguaditos I know in the Private Pinar 21. Tokyo Blues

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nutritional Value Of Dried Pinapple


Congratulations, Guzman! I have a book of yours on the Catholic identity of Latin America. Aparecida Lima to prepare visited and talked about the history of CELAM. Thank you and count on our prayers, the American laity


VATICAN CITY, Saturday, May 14, 2011

Benedict XVI has appointed Dr. Carriquiry Lecour, secular Uruguay, as the new secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America

appointment is a unprecedented, since the Commission had taken on as vice-three archbishops, but now the pope entrusted with the responsibility of being the direct collaborator of Cardinal Marc Ouellet, president of the Commission, as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, a layman, married with four children and eight grandchildren.

Until 13 May, the Colombian vice president was Monsignor Archbishop José Octavio Ruiz Arenas, whom the Holy Father has appointed secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.

Carriquiry was the first layman appointed head of department at a department of the Vatican by Pope Paul VI, the first lay secretary in the Roman Curia, by appointment of John Paul II, and now assumes this new mission as a gesture of confidence without precedent of Benedict XVI in a layman.

Founded in 1958, the Pontifical Commission for Latin America's mission is to study unit so doctrinal and pastoral problems that concern the life and development of the Church in Latin America, collaborating with various central government structures and universal Catholic Church and to build bridges between the Holy See and the various supranational bodies and national special interest.

In the introduction to his book "A commitment to Latin America" \u200b\u200bDr. Carriquiry is presented as Uruguay, River Plate, mercosureño, Latin America, that through the extravagant and unpredictable ways of Providence, has been working for many years in the Vatican, the center of catholicity.

Today, there are now forty years Carriquiry works in the Vatican, serving the Holy See, the Pontifical Council for the Laity. He has participated in the last three general conferences of Latin American Bishops Puebla (1979), Santo Domingo (1992) and Aparecida (2007).

Carriquiry's appointment is particularly significant when one considers that over 40% of the baptized in the Catholic Church living in the Americas.

The first mission given to Dr. Carriquiry is to accompany the Cardinal Ouellet to the Assembly General Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM), in Montevideo from 17 to 20 May of the current.

From Uruguay to Rome

Carriquiry Lecour was born in Montevideo (Uruguay) on 20 April 1944. He studied at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, where he graduated with a doctorate degree in Law and Social Sciences. Latin America was the leader of the Catholic Youth and college student. Collaborated with the bishops of his country as Director of the National Centre for Social Communication Media of the Church in Uruguay. He has participated as an expert, the paths designations Pontifical four general assemblies of the world Synod of Bishops (on evangelization in the contemporary world of family, on the laity, the Church in America). He was a member of delegations of the Holy See to numerous global conferences of the United Nations. He has represented the Pontifical Council for Laity Congress of the International Catholic Organizations and ecclesial movements. He has collaborated in the preparation of various papal trips in Latin America.

has had significant organizational responsibilities in the World Youth Days with the pope, participating in all of them since the first in Rome (1985) to la que se realizó en Sydney (Australia). Ha recibido, entre otras, la más alta condecoración pontificia ("Caballero de Gran Cruz de la Orden de S. Gregorio Magno") y condecoraciones de Italia, Argentina y Chile.


Ha dictado Cursos y Seminarios, como "Profesor Invitado", en diversas Universidades Pontificias en Roma, en Universidades estatales romanas ("La Sapienza" y "Tor Vergata"), en la Universidad de Roma "S. Pío V", en la Facultad Teológica de la Universidad de Lugano (Suiza), at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino (Argentina) and many other cultural centers. At the University of St. Thomas has received the "Doctor honoris causa in jurisprudence and political science.

are numerous publications on cultural affairs and international church and on the most diverse Latin American issues.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Preganant Simulation Game


Dear Sisters and Brothers, I tell
que esta mañana nos juntamos con el Arzobispo de Santiago, tuvimos una entrevista para darle a conocer la presencia de los IISS en Santiago y en regiones. Nos animó a seguir trabajando por las vocaciones y seguir confiando en que el Espíritu Santo nos ayudará a tener vocaciones pero si nosotros hacemos nuestra parte. Nos dice que nuestra vacación es una vocación que se difunde y conoce a través del contacto personal más que la publicidad masiva, por el tipo de vida, es una vocación que no es tan conocida pero sí muy apreciada.
Aprovechamos de contarle de nuestra dificultad al no tener un lugar dónde reunirnos, quedó en que si sabía de alguna congregación que pueda dar algo en comodato warn us.
also told us that the commission Vocation of Santiago is planning a Past training workshops. Career for the second half, I just wrote to the manager to give us information relevant to hacerselas arrive.
I commented that the National Congress of Pastoral Vocational September will also be on the theme of "Delivering elements and tools to help guests to make a living from their project together ".... workshops will be very interesting, this will be from 26 to 29 September in P. Hurtado. When there is specific information las haré llegar.
Adjunto les hago llegar un documento de reflexión sobre las situaciones que vivimos hoy como iglesia, nos puede iluminar en nuestro propio discernimiento y en el aporte que podamos hacer a otros...
Un abrazo
Juany Monsalve
Presidenta CONIS

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Bobcat Birthday Party

Aurora Charter: Truly has resurrected! LAY

Les forwarding an email from Aurora, do not know who sent it, if you have received it with patience. I think it's nice to read this experience as concrete and respect she says. I did well read, I hope so also for PC. our / as friends and collaborators. Making our sufferings and problems of others makes us see our problems and smaller concerns. Greetings. Teresita Zenere
"has resurrected and we're really happy."
May the Lord resurrected set fire to our hearts as he burned the hearts of the disciples of Emmaus, when they recognized the breaking of bread.
I am very happy and grateful to God for the opportunity given to me in these days Lent and Easter. We welcome all the Fridays of Lent, the Stations of the Cross with the children and some staff also participated relatives of children who attend our activities daily.
celebrate the Good Friday Stations of the Cross through the streets of our neighborhood, like last year. This year also included the various religious congregations in the parish and Deacon stayed with us to lead the ordeal, so many people from the parish. It was truly a wonderful experience.
Saturday night I participated in the Eucharist that starts with a rite of baptism for little children and catechumens, then the blessing of water and fire and all the appropriate liturgy.
The songs in both French and "Ehondo" were wonderful. Here to be part of a choir is a great responsibility because they must commit to educating the voice and participation of all trials. The celebration will begin at 7:30 pm and ends at 11:50 pm
The resurrected Lord has made me a very big gift: when it comes to Cameroun, my first service was to visit a very poor family where everyone is sick psychiatric (the great-grandmother, grandmother's name was Filomena, William, disabled, homeless and the children Diodon: Mary Joseph, Irene and little Daniel, nearly four years, but malnutrition appears to be 2). Filomena had lost all the mind when she gave birth to her first son and was abandoned by the father of the child. The first 3 months with Clarisse, a member of Social Service of our Health Center, morning and afternoon going to give medications (my shift was every evening during the week and on Sunday at all times). Were first tied to the bedpost with a chain that leg sores burst and that made me suffer a lot, I finally managed to release her, but when they left the door open to get food escaped, because you never satiated and poverty in that house was and is incredible. Sometimes back 2 or three days after dirty and tired, but always with something to eat (tomatoes, potatoes, bananas ..). Filomena lose more every day, it was just skin and bones. Much worse lately is full of huge foot sores that festered, it was really impressive. We did the review of AIDS, is positive and terminally ill. I did not expect, I asked the Lord to enlighten us: how to say his mother old and sick in the head ? how to protect the children living at home? ... But I asked the Lord for the grace to see her die at home ... On Monday, his foot came to healing, but I saw very bad, on Wednesday, I waited and not brought it, they told me was very wrong, as I left the office gives the administration, where I am providing a service since late 2010, and went home. Was in bed unconscious, he had washed and dressed, his bed for the first time was impeccable. Despite seeing her like he did not believe that was on the verge of death. We did a prayer, asking God's mercy, as she had suffered greatly throughout his life and prayed in the loving hands of Jesus and Mary. Returned to the office and 20 minutes later came to tell me he was dead. I still think it's not true. God gave me the grace to see her die with dignity. Filomena now no longer suffers, I think the sky glorious singing and dancing for joy as when I brought food.
Thus our mission life, so often we feel powerless, but many others clearly see the mighty hand of God that embraces us with his merciful love. Today
removed from the morgue and brought to the parish to celebrate Mass, then went home and then taken to the village where his ancestors were born, because the tradition says that if not taken to be buried there, the soul is suffering in the space. The service was very simple, but I like the intimacy and poverty, as lived and died poor Filomena. Tonight will be the rite in the village and Tomorrow is the funeral.
I've felt much, it was for me as part of my family because she lived with her suffering and bitterness, even if she Most of the time I was not aware of the reality only when they had nothing to feed on despair. Now rest in peace.

A hug. Aurora.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How To Make Refractory Bricks




VATICAN CITY, Tuesday, May 10, 2011 ( .- Here is the text of the message the Pope XVI sent to the participants at the XIV General Assembly of the Italian Catholic Action, which was held in Rome from 6 to 8 May on the theme "Living the faith, love life. educational commitment of Catholic Action. "

Dear friends of the Italian Catholic Action!

you gather in your General Assembly on the theme: Living the faith, love life. The educational commitment of Catholic Action, to reaffirm your love for Christ and the Church and renew the way of your Association, with a commitment to fully assume your responsibility lay service to the Gospel. You are adolescents, young adults are put at the disposal of the Lord in the Church with a solemn, public, in communion with the Bishops, to give a good witness in all areas of life. Your presence is ubiquitous in the parishes, families, neighborhoods, in social settings: a presence that live in the everyday and the aspiration to holiness. Your children and children and young people want to be festive and happy, generous and courageous, like Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.

You have the drive of the dedication in the construction of the city and courage to serve in the institutions, such as Vittorio Bachelet, like Blessed Alberto Marvelli, as Giuseppe Toniolo, soon to be beatified. In your draft human and Christian want to be loyal friends of Christ, as the pious Pierina Morosini and Antonia Messina, AS VENERABLE Armida Barelli. You want to revive our communities with children fascinating for the purity of his heart, as Antonietta Meo, capable of attracting parents, Jesus. When your young people welcome the occasion of Christmas or the month of peace, I'm always amazed at the authenticity with which he communicated the joy the Lord.

I met last year in October, with your teen and young, committed and cheerful, lovers of true freedom that leads them to a generous life, a direct apostolate. Have before them the example of men and women content with their faith, who want to accompany new generations with love, wisdom and prayer, patiently seeking to build community living tissues and address the most pressing problems of everyday life family: the defense of life, the suffering of separation and abandonment, solidarity in misfortune, la acogida de los pobres y de los apátridas. Os siguen presbíteros asistentes que saben bien que significa educar a la santidad. En las diócesis estáis llamados a colaborar con vuestros obispos, de manera constante, fiel y directa, en la vida y en la misión de la Iglesia. Todo esto no nace espontáneamente, sino con una respuesta generosa a la llamada de Dios de vivir con plena responsabilidad el Bautismo, la dignidad del ser cristianos. Por esto os organizáis en asociaciones con ideales y calidades precisas como lo indica el Concilio Ecuménico Vaticano II: una asociación que tiene la finalidad apostólica de la Iglesia, que colabora con la jerarquía, que se manifiesta como cuerpo orgánico y que recibe de la Iglesia an explicit mandate (cfr.Decr. Apostolicam actuositatem, 20). On the basis of who you would like, dear friends, in the footsteps of my venerable predecessors, confide some indication of commitment.

1. The educational perspective

On the line marked by the bishops of the churches in Italy, you are especially called to assess your vocation education. Catholic Action is an educational force qualified, supported by good tools for an ancient tradition. Know how to educate children and youth with the ACR, know how to conduct educational tours with adolescents and young people, are capable of lifelong learning for adults. Your action will be more penetrating if, as you do, you work even more with you in a deep optical favorecéis unit and educational collaborations with other forces to be church or civil. To educate is to go beyond the occasion, the immediate moment, and build, with the collaboration of all Christian life project founded on the Gospel and the Magisterium of the Church A central insight of the individual. Your project format is valid for many Christians and people of good will, especially if you can see, model of Christian life, generous and joyful commitment of deep interiority and ecclesial communion.

2. The proposal of holiness

Your holiness associations are gyms, where you entrenáis full time in the cause of the Kingdom of God in a deeper way of life I characterized as evangelical believers in secular places of everyday life. This requires intense prayer either communal or personal, continuous listening to the Word of God, and a regular sacramental life. It is necessary to make the term "holiness" a common word, not exceptional, not only to states designated heroic Christian life, but to indicate in the reality of every day, a vigorous response and openness to the action of the Holy Spirit.

3. Training in cultural and political commitment

Holiness be dignified also for you to serve the common good based on Christian principles, offering, in the life of the city, qualified presence, free of charge, conduct rigorous, faithful to Church teaching oriented and good. Training in cultural and political commitment to you is therefore an important task that requires a thought embodied the Gospel, able to discuss ideas and proposals apply to the laity. This is a commitment that is met mainly from the daily life of mothers and fathers who struggle with the challenges of education children, workers and students, cultural centers targeted for growth of all. Italy has gone through difficult periods in history and has left them stronger, thanks to the unconditional commitment of the Catholic laity committed to the policy and institutions. Today the country's public life requires further and generous response by believers, to make available to all, their own abilities and spiritual forces, intellectual and moral.

4. A broad commitment to the great shock of the Mediterranean world and

I ask finally, to be generous, welcoming, supportive and above all, common beauty of faith. Many men, women and youth are placed in contact with our world, you know superficially, blinded by illusory images, and need not lose hope, not to sell their dignity. They need to bread, work, freedom, justice, peace, recognition of their own and irrevocable rights of children of God. They need faith, and we can help them, respecting their religious beliefs in a free and peaceful exchange offering with simplicity, honesty and zeal our faith in Jesus Christ. In the construction of the history of Italy, Catholic Action, as I wrote to the President of the Republic on the occasion of 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy had a big role, struggling to hold together the love of country and faith in God. Scattered throughout the country, even today can help create a popular culture, widespread, positive, and be responsible, capable of serving the country, as in the period in which the Charter was drafted and was reconstructed country after the Second World War. Catholic Action can help Italy to meet his peculiar vocation, placed in the Mediterranean, a crossroads of cultures, aspirations, tensions that require a large force of communion, solidarity and generosity. Italy has offered to people near and far, the richness of their culture and their faith, their art and thoughts. Today you, lay Christians are called to offer with conviction, the beauty of your culture and the reasons for your faith, beyond fraternal solidarity for Europe this up to the challenge of the era.

I extend to all the Assembly my most cordial greetings, greeting the President, Professor Frank Miano, Assistant General, Monsignor Domenico Sigalini, and all the delegates, and each and every one of the great family of Catholic Action sent a special blessing See.

From the Vatican, May 6, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

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BENITO , José Antonio. Peruvian specimens. Values \u200b\u200bof the disciples and missionaries, Saints, Blesseds and Servants of God in Peru. Lima Paoline 2009, 237 pp.

José Antonio Benito holds a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Valladolid. He is currently professor of both the Pontifical Faculty of Theology and Civil de Lima and the Catholic University Seat of Wisdom. This book provides valuable information that lets us get to know people who took seriously the demands of the Gospel in Peruvian soil.

The author's intention is to give some comments on those men and women, Peruvian or connected in any way with Peru, which followed a radical Christ, source of all holiness in the Church. In short, it is best to imitate them know. In this regard, he says, "I intend to exercise, read each chapter and summarize it with a value. You'll see that behind these figures there are great values. They all have something in common, their great value ... If I were to summarize what is characteristic of all, I went ahead and conclude this long way: a Peru Valen, are the greatest, most valuable "(p.21).

Peruvian copies in three parts. In the first, Dr. Benito presents a synthesis of the lives of the saints and blessed who lived in Peru. Surprise the reader to begin this section by placing first at San Jose because it is the patron of Peru. In this regard states that "although neither born nor died in Peru, however, the Peruvian government chose him as his employer" (p.25). Then begins to describe essential aspects of the lives of these saints: Santa Rosa de Lima (1586-1617), San Martín de Porres (1579-1639), San Francisco Solano (1549-1610), San Juan Macias (1585-1645 ), Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (1538-1606), Santa Narcisa de Jesus (1833-1869). Among the blessed draws: Sor Ana de los Angeles (1602-1686), Luis Tezza (1841-1923), José de Calazans (1872-1936) and Ascension Goñi (1868-1940).

In the second part, the author tells us about the lives of the servants of God. These are people who are on their way to the altar and are linked to Peru. Among them stand out especially: Fray Diego de Ortiz (1532-1571), martyr in Peru, "Luis López de Solís (1535-1606), Pedro Urraca (1583-1657), Francisco del Castillo (1615-1673), Luisa de la Torre (1819-1869), better known as the Beatita of Humay-Tasayco Melchora Saravia (1895-1951), the Melchorita-Candamo Teresa de la Cruz (1875-1953), Bishop Emilio Lisson Chávez (1872-1961), and the Franciscan priests killed by the terrorist dementia Path: Miguel Tomazek (+1991), Zbigniew Strzalkowsky (+1991) and Sandro Dordi (+1991).

In the last part, Dr. Benito highlights the lives of those people who made history in Peru. Stresses the reference made to those who promoted devotion to the Lord of Miracles: Antuñano Sebastian (1652-1716) and Antonia Maldonado (1646-1709).

The author also points to the martyrs of English civil war and spent some time on Peruvian soil. They are: José Luis Palacio Muñiz Fray Fray Fray Jacinto García and Manuel Riesco Gutierrez Ceballos. Among the highlights mentioned modern characters, including Father John Serpa (+2008).

As an appendix, Benedict selected a final document of Aparecida. Also, place a brief note on the first beatification in the history of Cuba.

In short, Peruvian specimens language text is a simple and uplifting, whose reading helps us to know more about the history of the Church in Peru. We believe that this book deserves to be spread among the teachers of religion so that young people can learn about the lives of those who, in their variegated circumstances and their boundaries, struggling to be faithful to Christ.

Fr Dr. Carlos Alberto De Almeida Rosell

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Watch Online Adult Movies


Hello friends,
We reached an invitation
the forum Catholics in Public Life, the role of the Social Doctrine of the Church and the upcoming presidential election, with presentation by Arturo Salazar Larraín, video projection, chat show, exhibition of books and pamphlets.
Day: May 6, 6-8 pm. Location: Library Pauline, Avenue Victor A. Belaunde 121-129, San Isidro (opposite the Church Virgen del Pilar).

Presents: José Antonio Benito

Q Dear friends:

We send the 2nd. Paulino Atrium meeting that held the first Friday of each month in our library of San Isidro.

If you are interested in participating and lay people involved, we wait and tell you month by month by sending the program. Admission is free.

This meeting will be monthly with the exception of the months June and July this year.


Sr. Rafaela Zanolli Pauline

Organic Beef Production


I share an article that I have asked for the Journal of the Institute of Pastoral Andina, Cuzco

- We are concerned His Holiness (Pope John Paul II told the nuns who cared to see him so exhausted)

- Yes, sisters, well worry about His Holiness, I must also take care of My Holiness

And you certainly took care of His Holiness the new blessed from this May 1st! Raised to the altar by his successor Benedict XVI. Something unusual in the history and reveals the strength of this "sweet Christ on earth" as he wrote Santa Catalina. The Church and the world held a big party for that special gift.

To assess it in perspective can help us glimpse to the plight of the planet, both civil and religious, as well as Catholic, back in the 70's, and the improvements that this hurricane Edge has caused.

G. Weigel, his great biographer, "noting that" John Paul II has decisively renewed the papacy for the XXI century, restoring and renewing the primacy of Peter Gospel of office of the first century of the Church "making it" the most consequential since the Reformation century XVI " [1] . Its eight large contributions or milestones are: the renewal of the papacy, the implementation in full of the doctrine of Vatican II, the collapse of communism, the clarification of the moral challenges facing the free society, the imprint in the heart of ecumenism Catholicism, the new dialogue with Judaism, the redefinition of interreligious dialogue and personal inspiration that has changed countless lives. After twenty years of studies on the person and writings of Pope, and four diving into his inner world, the best biographer of the Pope concludes, "is a man who has worked a lot to offer people the tools time they do live life in a dignified manner. "

need time and silence to rate this dramatic change. The decree on the heroic virtues of Karol Wojtyla, which marks the end of the process, was promulgated by the Pope on December 19, 2009, after the unanimous vote favorable to the cardinals and bishops. The proponent of the cause of beatification, Monsignor Slawomir Oder, the congregation had submitted to an alleged miracle, one of the many reports received through the intercession of John Paul II, compiled after his death. It is, in the healing of Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a French nun of 44 years, affected by an aggressive form of Parkinson's disease. The illness that forced her to leave his service in the maternity ward of a hospital in Arles, disappeared instantly and inexplicable after the other nuns, in June 2005, Wojtyla went to the recently deceased, asking for a miracle of healing.

The first sensation that causes us to treat the figure of Pope John Paul II is the overflow of an extraordinary personality, exuberant, that eludes us when trying to comprehend it. And the first thing that jumps out is the human and divine in the pontificate over two thousand years. We venture to say that in 264 the successor of Peter has become more aware if it is the responsibility of the mission of high priest (bridge builder), a servant of the servants of God (gesture of kissing the ground when you visit all countries) , alter Christus (when people hailed him "Juan Pablo II", he whispers "Praise be Jesus Christ." I venture to say also that "thinking in their capacity for theater played the greatest role was that of Pope, and underlined his sense of coherence and reality. The Pope, Bishop of Rome and successor of St. Peter, the protagonist of the Council live class definition in the Vatican "is the first perpetual and visible source and foundation of unity both of the bishops and of the multitude of the faithful." ( Lumen Gentium, 23).

He touched introduce the Church into the Third Millennium. The Holy Father concluded his homily by recalling that "the pilgrim Church on earth, through liturgy, preaching the Gospel, his testimony echoes each day heavenly song. May the Lord who, in the new millennium, will grow ever more on holiness, to be on the true story epiphany of the merciful and glorious face of Christ the Lord. So be it! "But it is also the world's return to spiritual values, the intense desire for God in a society 'post-Christian' (rise of sects), a youth group that has discovered in his own flesh the degradation ...

The core of his thought is in the encyclical Fides et ratio (1998), because it is dedicated to reflection on the relationship between faith and reason, and theology and Christian thought. The purpose of the encyclical is, ultimately, to give confidence to people today. The ultimate message of the encyclical can be summed up in one statement of the number 90: "Truth and freedom either go together or miserably perish together" [2] . This is a strong call of John Paul II to raise awareness of those concerned with the true freedom of man. This, says the Pope, and can only be achieved if the channel to ensure the truth remains always open and accessible to all and everywhere. Finally, he goes to Mary, Seat of Wisdom "wanting to" be safe haven for all who devote their lives to the search of Wisdom " (n. 108). Since the Veritatis Splendor wanted to call attention to some moral truths that had been forgotten or misinterpreted, this encyclical like to refer to the truth itself and its foundation in relation to faith.

If it is true that all the oak is contained in an acorn, I venture to guess that all oral and written teaching exuberant Pope is contained in the brief presentation del día de su elección y el homilía de su primera misa como Papa. La tarde del 16 de octubre de 1978 la gente reunida en la plaza de San Pedro escuchó un nombre en latín poco conocido, Carolum Wojtyla. Algunos pensaron que era un cardenal africano, pero se trataba del arzobispo de Cracovia, Polonia, elegido como el 264 sucesor de Pedro, el pescador de Galilea y primer obispo de Roma, donde murió mártir y cuyos restos son la Primera Piedra de la Iglesia. Su elección fue el 81 cónclave de la historia. Y en sus primeras palabras al mundo confesó: "He tenido miedo al recibir esta  designación, pero la he aceptado con el ánimo puesto en la confianza en nuestro Señor y en la confianza en su Santísima Madre María".

Recordemos su primera intervención como Papa:

"¡Alabado sea Jesucristo!

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas...Todavía lloramos la muerte de nuestro querido Juan Pablo I. Y ahora los eminentes cardenales han llamado a un nuevo obispo de Roma. Le han llamado de un país lejano; lejano, sí, pero siempre cerca de través de la comunión de la fe y en la tradición cristiano...Temía recibir este nombramiento, pero lo he hecho en el espíritu de obediencia a Nuestro señor Jesucristo y con plena confianza en Su Madre, la Santísima Virgen.

No sí si I express myself clearly in your ... in our Italian language. If I make a mistake, you corregiréis me. "

And so I present to you, to confess our common faith, our hope, our confidence in the Mother of Christ and the Church, and also to undertake the Again this path of history and the Church, with God's help and with the help of men "

And immediately afterwards, in his homily at the inauguration of the pontificate pronounced:"! Brothers and Sisters, do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power! Help the Pope and all who wish to serve Christ and the power of Christ, serve humanity and of all mankind!

Fear not! Open even more so in the open wide the doors to Christ! Open to his saving power the confines of States, economic and political systems, the vast fields of culture, civilization and development. Do not be afraid! Christ knows' what is in man. " Only He knows. "

After writing a book on Pope, conduct several PAX TV programs about his life and message, I become increasingly close to our mission giant Santo Toribio, especially his passion for Christ and man-especially the most needed-, communion and mission for the Church and the world, and ever since their intimate union with God and tender devotion to Mary.

[1] Biography of John Paul II. Witness to Hope Plaza y Janes, Barcelona 1999 p.1125. p.1129

[2] is very eloquent testimony of André Frossard who asked the pope a night Castengandolfo if I had to choose one phrase from the Gospel to bequeath to humanity, which would you choose? .. Without hesitation, he replied: "The truth shall make you free." Cit. Velasco MA John Paul II, this stranger (human Tales of a Pope fascinating) Metro-Testimony, Madrid, 1998. p.183

Monday, May 2, 2011

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Human rights are a fundamental part of the Christian message, as stated in the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, and so developed significant Vatican II. Aristotle referred in the Nicomachean Ethics and was the major topic of Greek philosophy and popular revolt of the plebs in Montesacro, Rome, 2,500 years ago.

In my book "Catechism of the Social Doctrine," published by the Latin American University, wrote in 1985 that "human rights are straight and fair qualities that man has for his own personhood." And he added, then, that "as inherent natural rights" with which man is born, lives and dies, "are based natural law, printed by God in human nature to be our guide and standard of conduct in their lives temporary. "

I served more than ten years as pastor in Ayacucho, center of the Shining Path. In my capacity as archbishop, the magazine Caretas made me a report published on April 14, 1994, which declared, in colloquial language, that human rights are, in a broad sense, "the right to live in freedom with education, work and act freely. "

Speaking of the state of Ayacucho, told the reporter that the Church had in the city "several programs of social and spiritual support to the poorest" and listed. Following the meeting, accompanied the reporter to the door of my house, off the record, I said, "And during that time I have not seen the Coordinator of Human Rights. "Referring to the coordinator, not human rights, of course," I said, the language of battle strong athletes, "that ...!". The journalist recorded , without telling me, so unfair, that comment free, confidential and placed at the end of your letter.

However, despite the many clarifications made since then, those who do not want to accept the truth continue to slander that I scorned for human rights, which is not true. I regret that, in a statement to the newspaper "La Vanguardia" of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, our renowned writer Mario Vargas Llosa, maliciously informed, have repeated that infamous falsehood.

In the days before the first round I had in my house candidates for the Presidency of the Republic. I spoke with equal frankness with Ollanta Humala and his wife and Keiko Fujimori, who was accompanied by Jaime Yoshiyama. Cordially treat moral issues, not politics. As a Peruvian, I do not belong nor have I ever belonged to a political party. Humala and Fujimori am not, nor have I ever been "declared an accomplice of the dictatorship", as stated by our Nobel Prize. President Alberto Fujimori met and shared with him the concern of all for peace del país; y, por encargo de la Santa Sede, fui representante de la Iglesia en el caso de los rehenes de la residencia del embajador japonés, lo que me llevó a entrevistarme varias veces con él. La democracia política tiene sus normas, el Estado de derecho su marco y la responsabilidad ciudadana su libertad. A ella me atengo, como pastor de almas.

Me han reprochado algunos –también Mario Vargas Llosa– que me haya supuestamente callado cuando esterilizaron a 300.000 mujeres en la sierra durante el segundo gobierno de Fujimori. Nada más falso. No solamente discrepé con el presidente todas las veces que tuve la oportunidad de hacerlo. No solamente le dije que estaba haciendo mal y que no siguiera making, but, to a question from a journalist in a television interview, I stated publicly that Fujimori was wrong in this policy and it already had said. Also, I've told President Alan García that the current health policy of the portfolio minister is at odds with the natural moral with regard to abortion. Unlike other authorities, it is necessary that the Archbishop of Lima to maintain a cordial and strong relationship with the president. Which begin to govern in the next Fiestas Patrias will be my fifth neighbor.


DNI I am numerary of Opus Dei and I am the Archbishop of Lima. Each grade has its sphere, no interference. Media manipulation and the way that things can lead to confusion intentionally. As a citizen, I exercise my right to vote freely, as a member of the Opus Dei Prelature founded by Saint Josemaría Escrivá and blessed by all the popes since its creation in 1928 - participated in the training facilities offered to its faithful, and as Cardinal Archbishop and obey only the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. In the government of the Archdiocese of Lima joins me no linkage whatsoever with the directors of Opus Dei.

front of the second round of presidential elections reiterate the freedom of the Catholic vote responsible for the candidate that offers them more security and credibility to work selflessly for the common good of the country. I insist on respect for human rights, as the Church teaches that understands that human beings are the only creature that has an end in itself, and I reject all mendacious language that offends the dignity and intelligence of the voters.

take this opportunity to convey the apostolic blessing of His Holiness Benedict XVI sent a few days ago to all Peruvians, in the audience who was kind enough to grant me.

For my part, I will bring to Rome the love that Catholics have Peru Pope John Paul II, joining my brothers in the College of Cardinals in the beatification ceremony to be held today, for the enjoyment and edification of all Christendom.

* Article published in El Comercio, Sunday May 1, 2011