Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cranberry Juice Cause Red Stool

hanna, brutal box, nowhere boy, Vacationer

Nowhere Boy, exciting, hanna, fast-paced, brutal box, interesting. This is how I have the week: brutal (Meha goalkeeper repeated for the umpteenth who wants to see me in a wooden box under the ground "as well: Below ground, that's where I want to see. And in a wooden box. Brutal box is English and is very madinusa (new technologies and the business they send all), sony ahnna going to be a bombshell that let me see Lamb and Lennon's love is simply thrilling, a life adventure that marked the genius. For Holidaymakers saw elsewhere yesterday, based on Gorky adapted by Miguel del Arco, with 11 players, all young except one, all known from the TV, it was very good and also trepidante, ya me la quitó Sofía. Todo parece tan sencillo que uno piensa: Lo podía haber escrito yo, pero ponte: Dos horas y emdia y que no sobra nada como no sean los momentos musicales que yo perdonaría pero necesarios para marcar el tempo y el tiempo. Es como si reuniera muchas obras en una sola (19'30 y Pequeñas mentiras sin importancia, por ejempol)
Luego tenía olvidado completemante algo que me impresionó sobre manera: Mis caminos a través de la danza, basado en la vida y el baile de Mariemma, sucesora de La argentina, una vallisoletana criada en parís y vuelta a España al empezar la Segunda Mundial, al pueblo de Íscar, cortando así su destino de bailarina clásica para formar, después of fierce fighting in the middle of nowhere, the Mariemma Ballet of Spain, the largest English ballet who ever lived and will eventually become the home of my first of artists such as Enrique Morente, Aida Gomez, Elio Bernhayer, Lola Greco, Joaquín Cortés, Tomasa Benito or Elvira Andrés. "In the Paris of the 20's, the immigrant talent petite anglaise takes to Mme Gontharowa, exbailarina of Russian Ballet and dance prof du Chêtelet T Classic. The movie premiered at Cannes in 2007 and the director, Daniel Cabrera is one of Iscar, which supported the film Ayto.


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