Human rights are a fundamental part of the Christian message, as stated in the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, and so developed significant Vatican II. Aristotle referred in the Nicomachean Ethics and was the major topic of Greek philosophy and popular revolt of the plebs in Montesacro, Rome, 2,500 years ago.
In my book "Catechism of the Social Doctrine," published by the Latin American University, wrote in 1985 that "human rights are straight and fair qualities that man has for his own personhood." And he added, then, that "as inherent natural rights" with which man is born, lives and dies, "are based natural law, printed by God in human nature to be our guide and standard of conduct in their lives temporary. "
I served more than ten years as pastor in Ayacucho, center of the Shining Path. In my capacity as archbishop, the magazine Caretas made me a report published on April 14, 1994, which declared, in colloquial language, that human rights are, in a broad sense, "the right to live in freedom with education, work and act freely. "
Speaking of the state of Ayacucho, told the reporter that the Church had in the city "several programs of social and spiritual support to the poorest" and listed. Following the meeting, accompanied the reporter to the door of my house, off the record, I said, "And during that time I have not seen the Coordinator of Human Rights. "Referring to the coordinator, not human rights, of course," I said, the language of battle strong athletes, "that ...!". The journalist recorded , without telling me, so unfair, that comment free, confidential and placed at the end of your letter.
However, despite the many clarifications made since then, those who do not want to accept the truth continue to slander that I scorned for human rights, which is not true. I regret that, in a statement to the newspaper "La Vanguardia" of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, our renowned writer Mario Vargas Llosa, maliciously informed, have repeated that infamous falsehood.
In the days before the first round I had in my house candidates for the Presidency of the Republic. I spoke with equal frankness with Ollanta Humala and his wife and Keiko Fujimori, who was accompanied by Jaime Yoshiyama. Cordially treat moral issues, not politics. As a Peruvian, I do not belong nor have I ever belonged to a political party. Humala and Fujimori am not, nor have I ever been "declared an accomplice of the dictatorship", as stated by our Nobel Prize. President Alberto Fujimori met and shared with him the concern of all for peace del país; y, por encargo de la Santa Sede, fui representante de la Iglesia en el caso de los rehenes de la residencia del embajador japonés, lo que me llevó a entrevistarme varias veces con él. La democracia política tiene sus normas, el Estado de derecho su marco y la responsabilidad ciudadana su libertad. A ella me atengo, como pastor de almas.
Me han reprochado algunos –también Mario Vargas Llosa– que me haya supuestamente callado cuando esterilizaron a 300.000 mujeres en la sierra durante el segundo gobierno de Fujimori. Nada más falso. No solamente discrepé con el presidente todas las veces que tuve la oportunidad de hacerlo. No solamente le dije que estaba haciendo mal y que no siguiera making, but, to a question from a journalist in a television interview, I stated publicly that Fujimori was wrong in this policy and it already had said. Also, I've told President Alan García that the current health policy of the portfolio minister is at odds with the natural moral with regard to abortion. Unlike other authorities, it is necessary that the Archbishop of Lima to maintain a cordial and strong relationship with the president. Which begin to govern in the next Fiestas Patrias will be my fifth neighbor.
PeruvianDNI I am numerary of Opus Dei and I am the Archbishop of Lima. Each grade has its sphere, no interference. Media manipulation and the way that things can lead to confusion intentionally. As a citizen, I exercise my right to vote freely, as a member of the Opus Dei Prelature founded by Saint Josemaría Escrivá and blessed by all the popes since its creation in 1928 - participated in the training facilities offered to its faithful, and as Cardinal Archbishop and obey only the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. In the government of the Archdiocese of Lima joins me no linkage whatsoever with the directors of Opus Dei.
front of the second round of presidential elections reiterate the freedom of the Catholic vote responsible for the candidate that offers them more security and credibility to work selflessly for the common good of the country. I insist on respect for human rights, as the Church teaches that understands that human beings are the only creature that has an end in itself, and I reject all mendacious language that offends the dignity and intelligence of the voters.
take this opportunity to convey the apostolic blessing of His Holiness Benedict XVI sent a few days ago to all Peruvians, in the audience who was kind enough to grant me.
For my part, I will bring to Rome the love that Catholics have Peru Pope John Paul II, joining my brothers in the College of Cardinals in the beatification ceremony to be held today, for the enjoyment and edification of all Christendom.
* Article published in El Comercio, Sunday May 1, 2011
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