Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Organic Beef Production


I share an article that I have asked for the Journal of the Institute of Pastoral Andina, Cuzco

- We are concerned His Holiness (Pope John Paul II told the nuns who cared to see him so exhausted)

- Yes, sisters, well worry about His Holiness, I must also take care of My Holiness

And you certainly took care of His Holiness the new blessed from this May 1st! Raised to the altar by his successor Benedict XVI. Something unusual in the history and reveals the strength of this "sweet Christ on earth" as he wrote Santa Catalina. The Church and the world held a big party for that special gift.

To assess it in perspective can help us glimpse to the plight of the planet, both civil and religious, as well as Catholic, back in the 70's, and the improvements that this hurricane Edge has caused.

G. Weigel, his great biographer, "noting that" John Paul II has decisively renewed the papacy for the XXI century, restoring and renewing the primacy of Peter Gospel of office of the first century of the Church "making it" the most consequential since the Reformation century XVI " [1] . Its eight large contributions or milestones are: the renewal of the papacy, the implementation in full of the doctrine of Vatican II, the collapse of communism, the clarification of the moral challenges facing the free society, the imprint in the heart of ecumenism Catholicism, the new dialogue with Judaism, the redefinition of interreligious dialogue and personal inspiration that has changed countless lives. After twenty years of studies on the person and writings of Pope, and four diving into his inner world, the best biographer of the Pope concludes, "is a man who has worked a lot to offer people the tools time they do live life in a dignified manner. "

need time and silence to rate this dramatic change. The decree on the heroic virtues of Karol Wojtyla, which marks the end of the process, was promulgated by the Pope on December 19, 2009, after the unanimous vote favorable to the cardinals and bishops. The proponent of the cause of beatification, Monsignor Slawomir Oder, the congregation had submitted to an alleged miracle, one of the many reports received through the intercession of John Paul II, compiled after his death. It is, in the healing of Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a French nun of 44 years, affected by an aggressive form of Parkinson's disease. The illness that forced her to leave his service in the maternity ward of a hospital in Arles, disappeared instantly and inexplicable after the other nuns, in June 2005, Wojtyla went to the recently deceased, asking for a miracle of healing.

The first sensation that causes us to treat the figure of Pope John Paul II is the overflow of an extraordinary personality, exuberant, that eludes us when trying to comprehend it. And the first thing that jumps out is the human and divine in the pontificate over two thousand years. We venture to say that in 264 the successor of Peter has become more aware if it is the responsibility of the mission of high priest (bridge builder), a servant of the servants of God (gesture of kissing the ground when you visit all countries) , alter Christus (when people hailed him "Juan Pablo II", he whispers "Praise be Jesus Christ." I venture to say also that "thinking in their capacity for theater played the greatest role was that of Pope, and underlined his sense of coherence and reality. The Pope, Bishop of Rome and successor of St. Peter, the protagonist of the Council live class definition in the Vatican "is the first perpetual and visible source and foundation of unity both of the bishops and of the multitude of the faithful." ( Lumen Gentium, 23).

He touched introduce the Church into the Third Millennium. The Holy Father concluded his homily by recalling that "the pilgrim Church on earth, through liturgy, preaching the Gospel, his testimony echoes each day heavenly song. May the Lord who, in the new millennium, will grow ever more on holiness, to be on the true story epiphany of the merciful and glorious face of Christ the Lord. So be it! "But it is also the world's return to spiritual values, the intense desire for God in a society 'post-Christian' (rise of sects), a youth group that has discovered in his own flesh the degradation ...

The core of his thought is in the encyclical Fides et ratio (1998), because it is dedicated to reflection on the relationship between faith and reason, and theology and Christian thought. The purpose of the encyclical is, ultimately, to give confidence to people today. The ultimate message of the encyclical can be summed up in one statement of the number 90: "Truth and freedom either go together or miserably perish together" [2] . This is a strong call of John Paul II to raise awareness of those concerned with the true freedom of man. This, says the Pope, and can only be achieved if the channel to ensure the truth remains always open and accessible to all and everywhere. Finally, he goes to Mary, Seat of Wisdom "wanting to" be safe haven for all who devote their lives to the search of Wisdom " (n. 108). Since the Veritatis Splendor wanted to call attention to some moral truths that had been forgotten or misinterpreted, this encyclical like to refer to the truth itself and its foundation in relation to faith.

If it is true that all the oak is contained in an acorn, I venture to guess that all oral and written teaching exuberant Pope is contained in the brief presentation del día de su elección y el homilía de su primera misa como Papa. La tarde del 16 de octubre de 1978 la gente reunida en la plaza de San Pedro escuchó un nombre en latín poco conocido, Carolum Wojtyla. Algunos pensaron que era un cardenal africano, pero se trataba del arzobispo de Cracovia, Polonia, elegido como el 264 sucesor de Pedro, el pescador de Galilea y primer obispo de Roma, donde murió mártir y cuyos restos son la Primera Piedra de la Iglesia. Su elección fue el 81 cónclave de la historia. Y en sus primeras palabras al mundo confesó: "He tenido miedo al recibir esta  designación, pero la he aceptado con el ánimo puesto en la confianza en nuestro Señor y en la confianza en su Santísima Madre María".

Recordemos su primera intervención como Papa:

"¡Alabado sea Jesucristo!

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas...Todavía lloramos la muerte de nuestro querido Juan Pablo I. Y ahora los eminentes cardenales han llamado a un nuevo obispo de Roma. Le han llamado de un país lejano; lejano, sí, pero siempre cerca de través de la comunión de la fe y en la tradición cristiano...Temía recibir este nombramiento, pero lo he hecho en el espíritu de obediencia a Nuestro señor Jesucristo y con plena confianza en Su Madre, la Santísima Virgen.

No sí si I express myself clearly in your ... in our Italian language. If I make a mistake, you corregiréis me. "

And so I present to you, to confess our common faith, our hope, our confidence in the Mother of Christ and the Church, and also to undertake the Again this path of history and the Church, with God's help and with the help of men "

And immediately afterwards, in his homily at the inauguration of the pontificate pronounced:"! Brothers and Sisters, do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power! Help the Pope and all who wish to serve Christ and the power of Christ, serve humanity and of all mankind!

Fear not! Open even more so in the open wide the doors to Christ! Open to his saving power the confines of States, economic and political systems, the vast fields of culture, civilization and development. Do not be afraid! Christ knows' what is in man. " Only He knows. "

After writing a book on Pope, conduct several PAX TV programs about his life and message, I become increasingly close to our mission giant Santo Toribio, especially his passion for Christ and man-especially the most needed-, communion and mission for the Church and the world, and ever since their intimate union with God and tender devotion to Mary.

[1] Biography of John Paul II. Witness to Hope Plaza y Janes, Barcelona 1999 p.1125. p.1129

[2] is very eloquent testimony of André Frossard who asked the pope a night Castengandolfo if I had to choose one phrase from the Gospel to bequeath to humanity, which would you choose? .. Without hesitation, he replied: "The truth shall make you free." Cit. Velasco MA John Paul II, this stranger (human Tales of a Pope fascinating) Metro-Testimony, Madrid, 1998. p.183


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