Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nutritional Value Of Dried Pinapple


Congratulations, Guzman! I have a book of yours on the Catholic identity of Latin America. Aparecida Lima to prepare visited and talked about the history of CELAM. Thank you and count on our prayers, the American laity


VATICAN CITY, Saturday, May 14, 2011

Benedict XVI has appointed Dr. Carriquiry Lecour, secular Uruguay, as the new secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America

appointment is a unprecedented, since the Commission had taken on as vice-three archbishops, but now the pope entrusted with the responsibility of being the direct collaborator of Cardinal Marc Ouellet, president of the Commission, as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, a layman, married with four children and eight grandchildren.

Until 13 May, the Colombian vice president was Monsignor Archbishop José Octavio Ruiz Arenas, whom the Holy Father has appointed secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization.

Carriquiry was the first layman appointed head of department at a department of the Vatican by Pope Paul VI, the first lay secretary in the Roman Curia, by appointment of John Paul II, and now assumes this new mission as a gesture of confidence without precedent of Benedict XVI in a layman.

Founded in 1958, the Pontifical Commission for Latin America's mission is to study unit so doctrinal and pastoral problems that concern the life and development of the Church in Latin America, collaborating with various central government structures and universal Catholic Church and to build bridges between the Holy See and the various supranational bodies and national special interest.

In the introduction to his book "A commitment to Latin America" \u200b\u200bDr. Carriquiry is presented as Uruguay, River Plate, mercosureño, Latin America, that through the extravagant and unpredictable ways of Providence, has been working for many years in the Vatican, the center of catholicity.

Today, there are now forty years Carriquiry works in the Vatican, serving the Holy See, the Pontifical Council for the Laity. He has participated in the last three general conferences of Latin American Bishops Puebla (1979), Santo Domingo (1992) and Aparecida (2007).

Carriquiry's appointment is particularly significant when one considers that over 40% of the baptized in the Catholic Church living in the Americas.

The first mission given to Dr. Carriquiry is to accompany the Cardinal Ouellet to the Assembly General Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM), in Montevideo from 17 to 20 May of the current.

From Uruguay to Rome

Carriquiry Lecour was born in Montevideo (Uruguay) on 20 April 1944. He studied at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, where he graduated with a doctorate degree in Law and Social Sciences. Latin America was the leader of the Catholic Youth and college student. Collaborated with the bishops of his country as Director of the National Centre for Social Communication Media of the Church in Uruguay. He has participated as an expert, the paths designations Pontifical four general assemblies of the world Synod of Bishops (on evangelization in the contemporary world of family, on the laity, the Church in America). He was a member of delegations of the Holy See to numerous global conferences of the United Nations. He has represented the Pontifical Council for Laity Congress of the International Catholic Organizations and ecclesial movements. He has collaborated in the preparation of various papal trips in Latin America.

has had significant organizational responsibilities in the World Youth Days with the pope, participating in all of them since the first in Rome (1985) to la que se realizó en Sydney (Australia). Ha recibido, entre otras, la más alta condecoración pontificia ("Caballero de Gran Cruz de la Orden de S. Gregorio Magno") y condecoraciones de Italia, Argentina y Chile.


Ha dictado Cursos y Seminarios, como "Profesor Invitado", en diversas Universidades Pontificias en Roma, en Universidades estatales romanas ("La Sapienza" y "Tor Vergata"), en la Universidad de Roma "S. Pío V", en la Facultad Teológica de la Universidad de Lugano (Suiza), at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, the Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino (Argentina) and many other cultural centers. At the University of St. Thomas has received the "Doctor honoris causa in jurisprudence and political science.

are numerous publications on cultural affairs and international church and on the most diverse Latin American issues.


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